Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 The leader of no army

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The leader of no army Empty
PostSubject: The leader of no army   The leader of no army Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 2:58 pm

He walks in and gazes around the warehouse. His eyes closed as life seemed to be getting sad for him. He had just been kicked out of the Soul Society and Things didn't seem to be too bright. He was a leader of no army. There were no others ever to be created like him. He was a freak to his own nature. He was neither hollow nor a shinigami. He was welcome in neither realms. So he ruled over the human world if he wished. But what was the point in ruling something with no purpose. He let out a long sigh as he walked towards a cement wall and turned his back, pushing backwards against it. He crossed his arms then leaned his back against the wall, letting his head fall down alittle. He didn't see any other option at this point. He was just waiting. He didn't care what he did as long as he did it.
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The leader of no army Empty
PostSubject: Re: The leader of no army   The leader of no army Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 4:14 pm

He finnaly got bored and decided to take off for a while. He wanted to see if anything was ok or less boring. He shunpo'd to the door of the warehouse, shutting it on his way out. He had his zanpaktou held firmly on his belt as he now walked down the street of Karakura town. He wondered around aimlessly for a while untill he finnaly just decided to leave the area and go out of the human world or something. He was the leader even if he had no one to lead so he could do what ever he wished. He now shunpo'd into the air landing softly about fifty feet up, opening a gate to the world of the Hollows. Heuco mundo He grinned as he jumped in creating a perfectly formed walkway. From there, he slid like a skate board through the endless darkness. It seemed to be boring in the world of the living and he didn't want a bunch of quincies getting mad at him and trying to attack or anything so Heuco Mundo it was. Suddenly he saw the light. He saw the sand of the realm and jump through the opening and landed with a crunch of the sand under his shoes. His hair waved lightly as his zanpaktou hung uselessly.

Exit to White Sand desert
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The leader of no army
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