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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Katame vs. Psychophixia

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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:11 pm

Standing in the 2nd Division Training Grounds. Psycho watches the magenta sun fade slowly into the on coming twilight. The area surrounding is flat with random rock formations to vary the terrain, as to help fighting with random areas. Standing is the center, surrounded by four large rock pillars, Psycho waits for his opponent to arrive. Not knowing who he is going to fight, Psycho scans the area, getting a photographic image to make sure of any possible changes that could be used to his advantage or possibly against him.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:19 pm

A young lady could be seen walking towards the area. A rather long blade, Longer the most zan's in their sealed spot, was attached to her side. her choice of outfits was unique for a captian. Her whole outfit was blue unlike most of the black and white of the other members. Her dark blue hair flowed down her back in a bunch of spirals. She looked at the man who was seen standing there motioning to him" I take it you are the one i am meant to fight today?" She says in a voice that seems alot higher then the normal body could producede. She halfway unsheether her blade incase he had said yes.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:28 pm

Pyscho looked over to see the oncoming woman. Man look at her shoes... I think ours are better. Jester's rule. Will you be quiet? Her breasts are much better looking... Hey stop yapping and let's watch things unfold.... " Man I wish they would really shut up... Don't you hate that? " Psycho asked the woman. " And yes, I am your opponent for the day. " Psycho slowly drew his blade out, until fully unsheathed. He held his Zanpaku-to in his right hand and held the sheath in the left, as he placed back his left foot and bent down on his right leg.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:34 pm

She looked over at the young man noticing that he made pemonition that he had more the one voice in his head. Well atleast thats what his comment before agreeing with what she had said made her belive. She wasen't going to guess that though. Overthinking too much on one issue can kill perception to other issue's. She looked the young man up and down trying to determine how he will come after her but his stance gave nothing away. She sighed unshething her blade and aimed it towards him" Good luck in this match. What are the rules for sword release?" She asks looking over at him.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:03 pm

Psycho gave a large grin.... " Well since this a position match, If you feel the need to release then do so. " I'll tell you what I need to release..... Hey, shut up before "he" comes back. Psycho dropped his guard and stance as he gave out a sigh. " Man they really need to shut up in there.... Seriously, don't you hate that? You never answered my question from before.... " Psycho resumed his stance as he waited for the female shinigami to make her move. Psycho drew up his left hand, having his sheath covering his lower face and neck.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:06 pm

Katame nodded looking over towards him. She had a good idea that she would have to go atleast shinkai. He did not seem to be a pushover and she was happy for that. He looked over at him" Im sorry mate. I only have one voice in my head. Well beside the one that periodicly tells me to get a gaiga(Dont know spelling for the fake bodies thing) And head and have fun with some earth women" She says lauging softly and walked towards the young man still in her stance.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:16 pm

Psycho slowly watched her, taking notice to her foot movement and each little move she made. Psycho moves to the left, slowly and camly waiting for her strike. As Psycho watched he noticed something wrong with her shoes. " Hey, Your shoes are united, you should fix that. " He yelled out to the female shinigami. No they're not... Do you think she would really fall for that...? Psycho gave a little twitch as he heard himself in his head. Psycho let a small amount of reiatsu line out his sheath and switched the holding on his Zanpaku-to. The blade now went in the same direction of his arm, the sharpend end facing outwards.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:19 pm

Katame noticed the fact that he was twitching and laughed mentally. This kid had alot of problems. But then again we all do" Well lets start this" She flips the handle quickly holding the blade in an insane postions and swings it towards him twisting it slightly before it goes towards the spot making it curve up and slam into his stomach if the blade strike goes where it is inteanded instead of his legs as the shot seemed to be aiming. She held her sheeth tightly in her other hand incase he counter attacked.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:30 pm

Psycho watched her blade as if it was the only thing he could see. He watched the blade and planned the appropriate measures. Psycho took his reiatsu lined sheath and brought it before the female shinigami's oncoming blade. Once his sheath had made contact, Psycho ran up closer into the female, his sheath keeping her blade at bay. As Psycho would draw in closer he brought his blade back a bit and then brought it towards what would appear to be her abdominal region.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:33 pm

Her eyes widen slightly when he blocked the first attack like he knew it was coming. She wasent that suprised though. It's not like it had never been blocked before she just did not belive that it would have happened so quickly. She thought she'd be able to get a few shallow, painful hits before the young man would catch onto her style. She jumps back avoiding the strike moving her arm around the side focusing reits on the sheeth it ready to block the attack where it went watching the blade carefull
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:43 pm

When Psycho saw her arm coming down, he gave out a large grin as he knew this is exactly what he wanted to happen and she fell for it. Psycho continued to swing towards her abdomanials as if she was still there. But as his blade came under where her shoulder is, somthing happend that wouldn't come naturally to someone who has ever used a sword before. During mid-swing his blade, Psycho changed the direction upwards heading up to cut her arm off from the shoulder. As his blade swung up, Psycho threw his sheath towards the head of the female shinigami. As it is coated with reiatsu, if it made contact it would hurt more than normal.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:46 pm

She laughed watching what was happening with the blade. Either it had something to do with the blade or the little F-er had already copied her style. She moved her arm just barly dodging the attack from the sword and she moved her sheeth up just in time to block the flying attack and felt the sheeth slamming into her sheeth and she shuddered at the impact. Luckily that had not hit her. If it had it would have caused some problems. She jumped back away from the guy and looked at him" Quick question. Did you copy that off of me or is it a style you knew prehand?"
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:53 pm

Psycho gave off a confused look to her. " I don't know what you mean....? I just fight I as please and choose any means of attack as I see fit.... " Dude.. you were an assassin in your previous life.... you already know many ways of the sword..... " Oh that's right, thanks for reminding me... " Psycho used his shunpo to pick up his fallen sheath and then shunpo'ed above to one the four pillars; the rear left. Psycho looked down towards her, wondering what she could do. Having seen what she can do so far, he thought of every possiblitly that was reasonable, as well as every counter to it that would be most appropriate for it.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 7:56 pm

She laughed softly hearing how he was acting. It seemed that he had privous training he had no idea how. All she knew that it wasent time to kid around. She turned around and looked over at him" It is time to kill thos who try to ruin what is" She says as a large amount of rietsu is release as she allows her blade to enter the shinkai space. It changes physicaly very slightly. It grows a black blade and While lightng bolts jumping down the side of it. Small circles appear all around the area."well i guess i gotta go all out"
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 6:29 am

Psycho watched as her release was the 15th thing that he thought of. " Hmmm... longer blade and small circles that if I had to guess, could be a nuisence.... " Psycho wasn't going to go Shikai, not yet atleast.... He noticed the lighting and thought of many ways to counter just that, but most would leave him without a weapon. He squated down as if he were a tiger ready to pounce upon his prey. Psycho's eyes never left his opponent, closely watching her and waiting for her next move.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 6:06 pm

She smiles and focused a tad bit of rietsu in the blade and swung it sending three arching waves of electricty towards him. They seemed to rotate around in a circle while going towards him curving around the pills attempting to either hit him or maybe cause him to dodge into one of the many small glowing circles that surronded the place now. She smiles watching the archs go towards him( With lack of any other better term sorry) With the speed sligthly faster then that of a windmill shuriken. They also aimed for different parts of his body. One aimed for his head. That was meant to be a kill shot and attempt to block site of the two aiming towards his legs which she hoped hit more then the head shot one.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 12:03 pm

Psycho watches the oncoming lighting attacks and gives out a small sigh. Psycho then infused his Zanpaku-to with a bit of reiatsu and stuck the handle into the pillar, a few feet below him. The reiatsu charged Zanpaku-to now acted like a lightning rod and drew the attack to the blade. Once the lightning hit the blade it was nulled down by the rock as it traveled to the ground. Psycho gave out a little chuckle as he looked over to the female, seeing that her attack has failed. " So looks like your lightning won't get me now. " Psycho laughed out a bit.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 6:02 pm

Katame just shruged watching the attack hit his sword being stoped by the solid rock. She laughed" You've stoped the lighting i guess." She shrugs again seemingly to make a point that it was not a big deal. She picked her blade back up and looked over towards the man" Well im bored of sitting here. Hurry up and get over here." She sits down on the ground looking up at the man.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 10:40 am

IT'S A TRAP!!!! Quiet.. Let's just see what he is going to do next. Psycho closely watched her, looking for all possible openings as he reached out and grabbed his Zanpaku-to. Psycho then squated down and looked over at her, twisting his head a bit. Psycho then launched himself forward, laughing histericaly as he moved in closer ready to swing his blade. Before Psycho was even in 10ft of the female shinigami, he shunpo'd behind her and placed his Zanpaku-to just centimeters away from her neck. Now with his left hand that is free, Psycho reached out and grabbed the dull side of the blade. Psycho now holds his Zanpaku-to firmly centimeters from the female's neck, ready to take off her head.
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Katame vs. Psychophixia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame vs. Psychophixia   Katame vs. Psychophixia Icon_minitime

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