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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Katame Kizi

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Katame Kizi Empty
PostSubject: Katame Kizi   Katame Kizi Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 10:21 am

Name: (The name of your character)
Katame Kiza
Age: (The age of your character)
Visual Age: (How old your character appears to be.)
Gender: (Male or female,both,none?)
Division: (Choose from 1-13 or Kidou Corps)
Appearance: (Write how your character looks like or an image will do.)
Katame Kizi E3a6f1f0
Personality: (Write a paragraph of how your character acts like.)
She has the inate abilty to piss people off without even trying to. People say that she is too hyperactive and optomistic for her own good. She has also been called a hopeless romantic by a lot of people. However when someone annoys her or insults her that happy persona goes away instently and is replace by one of the moth ruthless females that you will ever meet in your life.
Background/RP Sample

Background: (Put your character's history here,make it as good as possible.)
She was born living in a small town in southern sweeden. She lived alone from the age of 15 on when her parents were murered by hollows. This allowed her the abilty to sense them and know when one was going to attack her and allowed her to escape. This continued on for multiple years. Avoding hollows trying to kill her by night and stealing food to live during the day. This ended however when she turned 23. She was working at a construction company to earn money while she is going for her masters in Biology. However a forklift was malfunctioning and droped on her leg shattering it. Normally this wouldnt be a problem for most people. However this allowed the hollows to get to her. However before her soul was eaten by them a shinigami came and save her from them. He looked at her as he killed the two hollows." You have a strong SP(Spirtual Pressure) When you get to heaven join the academy." She wondered what the man had meant till the fact she got to the soul society. She then learned what he meant and joined the academy.

She took the academy like everyone else and continued to pass ahead of everyone else in not just hte combat tests but also the mental tests and strategy tests. So after the academy with her skills she was placed on the 2nd division as a seated caption. She leaned that the caption of the squad was the young man who saved her from being devoured by the hollows all that time ago. She smiled and started training day in and day out. A couple of years later she got good enough to be the captions lieutenant. She started going on missions with him and perfecting her shinkai and earning her bankai. After 20 years the caption was killed in combat by a high level hollow and she just barely escaped the rampage. After she was fully healed she was put in as the new caption(This is where the rp begans)

RP Sample: (A sample of how you RP,if you want to be a Captain,if not delete this.)
Katame was slowly walking along the area watching all the lower level member of her division train. She smiled as she felt all the new strength growing off of them. The sound of new recruits growing stronger was like music to her ears. She laughed when she noticed a young man working on a sword technique and he seemed to be having problems with it. She walked over towards the young man and looked down at him “ Hey there kiddo what you working on?” She asked him her voice driping with helpful intent. That was one of the things that the member of her division liked about her. Instead of just doing caption work when she had free time she went around and helped people who needed it out with their work.

The young man looked over at her sighing softly.” Just im trying to work up my own style to work with my zan. In it's shinkai state it's invisible and as thing as it can be. It cannot block like most other weapons but it's speed is unnoticble.” The man said looking over at his caption.

Katame smiled softly while she watched him. She knew that he was going to have a great future here. Most people did not even attempt to make new styles until they were almost defeated and killed again. This one seemingly had the smarts to make a new style before he had the need to. So that when he came in contact with the hollow or maybe even an arrcanar he would have the skills to defeated it” Give me a second Kiddo” She walked over towards one of the weapon tracks an picked up a weapon that was similar to him except for the fact that it was not invisble and it was much thicker.” Well I havent had much experence with weapons like that but I belive that this would be helpful for you” She says placing the handle part of the weapon which was in the middle of the long thing blade between two of her fingers, the pointer and the pinky. She walked over towards the dummy and showed a varity of moves and style of kata's that she had hoped and wished would help the young man.

The young man watched his caption show him the moves that she hoped would help him. He had little hope in it though. He had seen her zan and knew that it was far from the weapon he was using. He shruged softly though. Who was he to disagree to help from his caption. Many people would kill to get the chance that he and the rest of his divison got. His eyes widen when he noticed the strikes that she was doing against the training dummy. It seemed so simple of a fix that he mentally face palmed himself for not noticing it early. Just a slight switch in the holding of the blade made wonders of change for the way the weapon not only cut though the wood but also the strength of it. The was she holded it, it could be used to block strikes. That made the young man happy. He was regertting the fact that he wouldnt be able to block attacks from people and now she fixed that for him. He picked up his zan which he had privously re-sealed and unsealed it and placed the blade in the grip that she had. He took the weapon and performed a few strikes on the wood. He laughed when the blade seared right through the thick wood. Most of the other weapons could not go through the wood with one strike and his weapon could like it was hot butter. He looked up over at his caption and smiled happily” Thank you Katmae-sama” He bowed looking over at her.

Katame noticed the young man thanking her and she smile happily at the thought that he had helped a young man futher get stronger and perfect his style. Her smile droped slightly when she heard the sama tag. She was all fine with the bow but she hated it when people called her sama. She was not even close to a master. It was like with all squads. If you diddnt have the help of your divison members you had nothing. She looked down at the man again” I have no problems with the bow but please do not call me master. I am nothing close to a master. I am just the person who they saw fit to lead the division after Mishoa-kun was killed'' She said her eyes visible droping at the mention of the name. She had loved him. Yes it was not romantic love but it was family love which she belived hurt even more. It lasted longer and had a deeper impact on you phycology then lover's love. She walked over towards a picture and looked at it sighing softly. It had only been a month since that faithful day when he died. It was a horrrible day for her to remember. It made her depressed whenever she thought or talked about him.Luckily the members of her diviosn knew better then to talk about him around her. She punched the wall near the picture” God Damn it” She cried which was something that she rarly done.” Why him? Why did it have to be him who died? I hate it. I feel like I caused it” She slamed her fist into the wall again swearing again and again. The young man who she had helped earlier walked over towards her.

The young man looked over at her.” It was not your fault caption. He was killed defending the soul society and you almost died protecting it as well.It was a warriors death and he would be sad if you were defaming his honor acting the way you are right now.”

She looked over at him sighing, He was right wheather she wanted to admit it or not. He would not be happy about her acting the way she was. She sighed” Thank you. You are right I am sorry for my actions.”


Zanpakutō Information

Name: (The name of your zan)
Colpo di tuono (thunder strike)
Release Phrase: (Your release command)
It's time to kill those who want to ruin what is.
Element/Family: (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice/Snow, Metal, Shadow/Dark, Light/Holy, Poison, Plant/Nature, Neutral,Reiatsu, Void,etc.)
Manifestation: (what the spirit of your Zanpaktou looks like.)
Basicly think of zapados from pokemon
Sealed Zanpakuto: (What your zanpakuto looks like when it isn't released)
It looks like a basic black blade. 3ft blade with a one foot handle
Shikai: (What your Zanpakuto looks like while in Shikai.)
When it is unselaed it is the normal black blade but it has a lighting patter going along both blunt side of the blade plus it extends another foot(blade is 4 ft now)
Shikai Ability:(What is your Shikai ability.)
The blade has a strong electrical current running all along it making the blade able to shock targets who gets hit by the sword. It allows katame to cause electric traps that appear in small circles all around the area lightly shock and temoprarly paralizing(for 1 post) Members who step on the circles
[Bankai applies only for Captains, Advanced Vice Captains and Elite Vaizards]

Bankai: (What your Zanpakuto looks like while in Bankai)
It looks like the same blade but with a dark red banner hanging from it.
Bankai Ability: (What is your Bankai Ability)
It summons the god of thunder raidon to the field. It sends out thunder towards the target and it also speeds up katame's movement by 1 and a half times her normal speed. She is able to "stab" her blade into the god and cause a huge thunder storm that occurs withing 10 feet of her.

Name: (The name of your tech): Thunder arc
State: (Shikai Bankai or both?):Both
Description: (What your tech is, and what it does): It causes three bolts of lighting to jump off the blade and arc towards the targets. They can either go for one target and have all bolts go towards it or they go to seperate targets.
Duration and/or cooldown: It is an instant tech(Not meaning it is godmoddable unblockable but it only stays up for the turn they go towards the target) And there is a 2 turn coolown.

Name: Thunder balls(god that sounds wrong)
State: Bankai
Description: It allows Raidon to throw balls of thunder all around the area that when katame taps with her blade it causes a collection within the orbs that all fire towards the target
Duration and/or cooldown: There are technicly no cooldown since the balls stay there during the whole battle as long as her bankai is out. However it takes awhile to rechard the balls and it takes anohter 5 posts to send out another one.

Name: Tiger slash
Description: Katame runs her free hand along her zan causing thunder claws to appear on her hands
Duration and/or cooldown: It lasts for 3 turns and have a 8 turn cooldown.
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Katame Kizi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame Kizi   Katame Kizi Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 10:29 am

APPROVED! You still need Tadashiis approval .
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Katame Kizi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame Kizi   Katame Kizi Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 12:33 pm

Quick additions": The thunder god thing is about twice the size of katame(so about 12 ft) And looks like an avarge samurai except for with a staff instead of a sword.
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Katame Kizi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katame Kizi   Katame Kizi Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 12:36 pm

Approved as a captain, However only on probation. While your Rp sample is good i want to see you in the field, So to speak.
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PostSubject: Re: Katame Kizi   Katame Kizi Icon_minitime

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