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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]

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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 12:28 pm

Basic Character Info

Name: Manami Astaroth.

Age: Five Hundred.

Visual Age: Nineteen.

Gender: Female.

Rank: Cuarta.

Number: Four.

Aspect Of Death: Sacrifice.

Mask fragment location:

Her bone fragment is on the back of her head and behind her ears (as shown in the picture.).

Hollow Hole location:

Yumi's Hollow hole is just under her breasts (hidden by her arm in the picture.).

Espada Tattoo location: Yumi’s Espada tattoo is on the right side of her left breast.


Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Yumi

Yumi's Hollow hole is just under her breasts (hidden by her arm in the picture.). She has a white jacket that is usually left somewhere, or if it\'s on her shoulders, its wide open. The jacket is tight fitting and goes just over her hips, like a dress. Her bone fragment is on the back of her head and behind her ears (as shown in the picture.). She wears two thin silver braceletts on her left wrist, and has a tattoo of two purple dots on the left side of her face, by her hair line, making it look like a jewel of some sort. She usually wears a simple tube top as a shirt and a short white skirt that does up iwth silver buckles on the one side, a chain with a purple jewel hanging from one end hold the skirt together on the left. Her body is small boned and slim, her face sculpted with perfect cheek bones and wide eyes bathed around with thick eyelashes that brush her under the eyes when she blinks. Her nose is small and delicantly tilts up.


Yumi is a bubbly type of person, she does take life seriously, and she is a bit shy. She gets embarrassed easily, dispite being flirty. She's a very kind person, and worries about her comrades, especially when they fight each other.

However, when in battle she is not quite a bubbly, but actually slightly on the serious side. During battle, Yumi will generally thrown random joke sat her opponent to try and make them slip up. She has a "never say die" kind of attitude. She does not generally care for fighting, and instead finds ways to incapacitate, or disarm her opponent.

In battle she toys with her enemies, not usually actually fighting, but rather weakening then killing. She heavily analyzes every situation before going into battle, and even when in battle. She finds the one thing that will annoy them the most and continually does it, with, for example, the Eleventh Division, she would simply analyzes them and they would get mad at her. She gets them mad so that they will exhaust themselves through rage.

She also is rather vain, and acts flirtatious sometimes. She is in essence better than everyone else. At least that is how she feels, even if it is not true she would still believe that she was the best thing ever. Her vanity, and general ability to persuade people make her rather demeaning, and intimidating to talk to. She in generally respected among the Espada, because she shows them quite a bit of respect as well. Even though she is vain, intimidating, and very demanding, she is a nice person and extremely caring.

Background/RP Sample

Born in Kyoto Japan, a young girl named Yumi was the youngest of three. She grew up quickly, maturing as her father raised her by himself, her mother having died giving birth to her.

Yumi's father, Koutaro, owned a local dojo that taught the local children and any adult willing to try the way of karate. Koutaro also taught his children so that they one day replace him as Shishou. Yumi fought well, dispite her small size that she got from her mother. She was intellegent, able to trick her opponents into a false sense of security with an act of a innocent girl, then beat them into the ground with what her father taught her.

Then, one day a horrible event occured. Her brother Kazito died suddenly from heart failure. Yumi had just turned thirteen, and though it was a shock, she didn't cry. At the funeral she remembered back to the night of Kazito's death. He had been competing in a serious fight for the state championship. The opponent had accidently hit him illegally, his hand slipped when Kazito tried to block. Instead of hitting him in the middle of his chest, the mans hand skimmed over Kazito's arm and slammed into the rib just over his heart, breaking it off and into kazito's heart. At the hospital later that night, after Kazito had collapsed, the doctor had told them that the instant the rib had pierced his heart, his heart froze. and he died with out feeling most of the pain...and that sadly there was nothing that could have been done.

Kazito was buried in the dojo's private cemetery at a public service for all who wanted to come. Many fellow students of Kazito's collage came in groups, their eyes rimmed with red and their voices hearse. One girl in general caught her eye, a young woman she had only met a few times. The girl had been Kazito's fiiance, she still wore the wing on her hand.

Yumi walked up to her, one hand clasped on the taller girls skirt as Yumi looked up at her. As she did she suddenly felt a familiar presense. She glanced to the side and Kazito was standing there, smiling sadly at the ground. Yumi looked emotionlessly at Kazito, who glanced at her. "Can you see me?" he asked quietly.

Yumi merely nodded and Kazito blinked, a tear running down his cheek, "Can you tell Mizuko-chan something for me?" Again Yumi nodded and he bent down, whispering in her ear.

A moment later she looked back up at Mizuko, who was sniffing loudly, "Mizuko-san. Kazito says that he loves you and that he's sorry. He says that you need to move on as soon as you can, to find a healthy man you can love as your own. He says you can keep the ring, even though it was mothers. He said he'll miss you."

"W-what?" Mizuko gasped, tears pouring from her eyes again. She knelt down and pulled Yumi onto a warm hug, and from over Mizuko's shoulder, she watched her brother stand there in the rain, smiling at her. She smiled back, one small tear running from her eyes as black blurred in front of her vision, and then he was gone. A black butterfly flying into the sky.


At the age of seventeen, Yumi had come to peace with the fact that she could see ghosts, but sometimes they got on her nerves. "Heello there~" one purred at her and she glared death at him until he went away sulking.

It was one of those days, the one where the rain has no breaks and the day where you forgot your umbrella had haven't a ride home because you missed the last train.

So you have to walk home.
In the rain.
For twelve blocks.

She sighs, "Ficken sie liebin...." she mutters in German before starting out.

Yumi half ran, half walked home as several ghosts passed her on her way, she hated this part of town. Ever since that building collapsed there were almost a hundred ghosts floating around. But there was one she liked, he was a small boy. He was quiet and polite. He talked to Yumi on the way to her place, holding her hand. She hadn't seen him for more than three weeks now though, and it worried her.

She entered the ruins of the building for a moment, looking around. "Has anyone seen that little boy lately?" she asked to the empty air. A old woman drifted forwards, "Oh it's you dear. That little boy is no longer here sadly...."

Yumi looked down at hand, where she carried a small plastic airplane she was going to give him, "I see. Thank you anyway Oba-san."

"I'm sorry you brought that toy again for no reason dear, terribly sorry." The old woman smiled sadly.

"It's fine. It was just sitting in the attic anyway...I..I have to get home. I'll come see you another day." Yumi turned quickly, practically running for the open door way.

She burst into the street at full speed, the airplane in her fist. She was running down the wet sidewalk, desperate to get out of this rain already when she noticed something that made her blood freeze. She was suddenly changing directions, running towards a small boy in the middle of the street.


She reached him just has driver noticed them in the way. He started shouting and Yumi watched, as if outside her body, as she shoved the boy out of the way of the incoming carriage, then turn, having not enough time to move herself before the horses leading it slammed into her chest, She collapsed in pain and a sharp snapping sound echeoed though the dark evening as a hoof snapped down and broke though Yumi's skull, splattering her brains over the cobblestones.

Pain flashed though her mind and blood poured from her lips as she arked her back in intence pain. And then suddenly she was laying facedown on the ground. Blood pooling around her face, her breath coming in gasps as blood filled her lungs. She started to tremble, tears pouring from her eyes as the rain continued on, drenching her where she lay. She watched as the carraige drove off and anger flashed though her, causing her to shake with it. Blood bubbled from her mouth and she coughed, her lungs were full now, She had only moments left to live as her breath left her.

Her heart laboured panically as it fought for air. And as it started to stop, anger consumed her again, her blood boiled and her fist clentched into the dirt.


A moment later everything went black.




Yumi felt nothing but pain come over her body, she felt it change, felt something cover her face. She couldn't breath! Then it cleared moments later. She felt nothing. The hardness of her body surprised her, but she didn't mind it. It was like armor, her armor from the cold, from the hate, from....herself?

She didn't know. She had no thoughts, no memories. She heard nothing though the hardness. Felt nothing but...


She was hungry. A dry substance moved under her feet. And she noticed that she had large black wings on either side of her small frame.


She Maybe she could!


A small lizard like being scurried past her and she picked it up, eating it whole.


She moved on.


She wandered...for how long? She didn't know how to count the days. The moon never set here, the heat never deminished. She hated the heat. She would make it....freeze. She ate anything she could, hearing nothing. Others like her tried to talk to her, but she merely killed them. They were annoying.

Her body slowly changed until she took a more bird-like form. The wings remaining. She still didn't know how to use them.

A being stood in front of her suddenly. A man. She was small in compasion. It irritated her. She tried to speak...but her mouth couldn't move. The hardness still muzzled her.

Where was she?
Who was she?
....What was she?

He smiled at her. A hypnotic smile. She wanted to trust him. Wanted to help him. She knelt and his smile wided.



She was reborn. Her body turned graceful, more like her old one. Except this one was as hard as stone. She was white, unbelievably so. She stood, a shock of snow in the dark room, staring at her hands. Something hard pushed into the back of her head, she touched it.

Hardness...was it...bone?

It hadn't all left then. It merely hid. Like a coward.

She wouldn't be a coward.

All that mattered was her and her wings.

"Can you tell me your name young one?" He asked, smiling that hypnotic smile.

For the first time in centeries she smiled, she opened her mouth, kneeling on one knee and bowing her head. Her voice came, her old voice. Soft and musical.

"Manami Astaroth...."

She would serve. She would obey... but only for him. A sword was at her feet. She picked it up and tucked it into her belt. The blade was familiar, yet different.

It was the hard her. The quiet one...but different. She could speak...though she had yet to figure out her wings....

But she would soon learn to fly on her own. Like a chick leaving the nest.

Frosted black feathers fell from the sky as she changed, a darkness pressed at her and her smile widened...streching her mouth as far as it would go. Something split, the innocent her tore away, trapped behind cool glass. She stared though the Looking Glass in shock. The smile widened and her eyes flashed red.


RP Sample:

Hueco Mundo was dark and hot, as it usually was this time of day. Yumi walked aimlessly though Las Noches, nothing of notable significance on her mind. She walked because she had nowhere to go, also she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Aizen-sama….but that was besides the point. The cool air inside of Las Noches was soothing, but how it stayed cool next to the blazing heat of Las Noches was beyond her.

Suddenly, as she walked, a tune popped into her head and she started humming it to entertain herself. Her lips opened and it changed into a song:

”There is sweet music here,
That softer falls than petals from blown roses on the grass,
Or night-dews on still waters between walls of granite,
In a gleaming pass….”

She trailed off slowly, her voice echoing though the empty halls of the large palace. She frowned slightly to empty air as her voice faded away into nothing more than a ringing. She stopped walking and paused in the middle of the great hall, looking around curiously as the frown deepening.

Where in the world is everyone? …More importantly, where is Aizen-sama?

She thought this irritably, crossing her hands over her chest. She wasn’t wearing her jacket again, the thing was still stashed away in the middle of Las Noches somewhere. She was tempted to ask someone to burn it for her…but then again…Aizen-sama gave it to her…

”Guess it can’t be helped then..”

She mused aloud to the empty air, continuing on her journey to nowhere.

(Yes, I realise it ain\'t very long. I'm lazy.)

Resurreccion Information

Name: Kuroi Hyou [Black Ice]

Release Phrase:

Frost over the Looking Glass, Kuroi Hyou...

Element/Family: Ice/Snow.

Represent: Animal.

Sealed Resurreccion:

Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Imko03

Released Resurreccion:

When Kuroi Hyou is released, Yumi takes the more human appearance of her base form. Her hair changes to a silverish white colour and she appears in black shadows running down her body with two large black wings sprouting from her back. Her hands form into large black tipped claws. When she breaths you are able to see her breath around her, even in hot weather. Her eyes become red, her smile sweet. Her recklessness increases greatly as her resurreccion is released.

Resurreccion Special Ability:

High-Speed Regeneration: Despite having great attack power and speed, Yumi’s greatest strength is her regenerative power. It is her greatest power, one which most Arrancar give up in return for greater strength. She can quickly regenerate any part of her body except for his brain and internal organs. However, this power also requires that she has sufficient spiritual energy.

Last edited by Manami on Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:47 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 1:23 pm


When you add res ability and techs. ill look again, and make a new post if your gonna post you're res ability and techs...

Last edited by Smokey on Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 1:27 pm

Okay. Thank you xD; And here I ain't even done yet LOL.
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 1:46 pm

Innate Ability

Name: Instant Replay.


Yumi has the unusual ability to replay events she has seen to others by removing and crushing an eye, which then turns into dust and flows around those Yumi intends to use it on. The dust shows images of what Yumi has seen during her missions
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Quinta Espada

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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 1:48 pm

IA Is Approved!
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 2:14 pm


Name: Cascada.
State: Resurreccion.
Description: Yumi launches a rushing surge of water turned ice at her enemy. The torrent of high pressure water is large enough to cover several town blocks.
Duration and/or cooldown: 3/2.

Name: La Gota.
State: Resurreccion.
Description: Yumi is able to condense large amounts of water around her claws before firing it as a blast in the form of ice. The blasts strike with enough force to demolish houses.
Duration and/or cooldown: 2/2.

Name: Water Manipulation.
State: Both.
Description: She has the ability to create and manipulate water in this form. The water used for her attacks is generated though the atmosphere.
Duration and/or cooldown: 4/1.

[legend: (# of posts duration/ # of post cooldown.)
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 2:14 pm

Shieru wrote:
IA Is Approved!

thank you ^_^
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Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 10:26 pm

If you increase cd-s just a bit then its
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PostSubject: Re: Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished]   Yumi Astaroth, Cuarta Espada. [Finished] Icon_minitime

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