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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D

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PostSubject: Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D   Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 8:15 am

Basic Character Info

Name: Akume no Rekkan

Age: 735

Visual Age: 27

Gender: Male

Rank: Elite a.k.a. Espada

Number: Yo soy la tercera =D

Aspect Of Death: Old Age

Mask fragment location: The mask's fragment is located in his forehead's left side, reaching his left eye and almost covering it.

Hollow Hole location: On the chest, its middle.

Espada Tatto location: My backs. The number three covers the entire backs, from shoulders to waist.

Appearance: Avatar.


- Laid Back: Rekkan takes the world lightly, not really giving a damn about things that have nothing to do with him or people he is acquainted with. The Espada prefers to spend his time doing nothing, enjoying a good afternoon laying on his couch and staring at the ceiling or taking a nice nap. He doesn't get taken away by emotions and his speech is always calm and passive, sometimes words coming out in the form of whispers because he really can't speak up. His whole body's muscles are never actually tense, not even in cracked up situation that requires the utmost concentration. Although one thinks he is a distracted fellow, it's really his regular way of acting.

- Critical Thinker: Another trait of Rekkan's personality is his ability to think fast and well in important situations. Due to his wide imagination, the Espada is able to think about multiple reactions to perform against an action executed against him. Although his face's expression almost never changes from that blank and relaxed form, the glitter in his eyes is the hint that shows that his mind is working.

- Lover: Rekkan is a flirter. He enjoys women and does anything for them to enjoy him. In his own words: "Women are magical creatures that should not be underestimated. Their powers are far beyond those of a man." His idea is to protect this "creature" in the plural form. He has been seen jumping into battle, not because it is required, but to protect a woman. That is why he likes to think of himself as a gentleman and a "knight".

- Poet: Rekkan does not use words, but actions. His own movements, whether in battle or in any other situation, narrate the path of his life and emotions that are well hidden in his relaxed behavior. The way he touches and sees is to be studied for he keeps writing in a constant manner, it being with his sword on an opponent's flesh, or his lips on a woman's body.

Background/RP Sample


Life - Rekkan didn't have an agitated life. He was a simple human with a lazy daylife. It was boring like hell, so why mention it? Death is so much better in various ways, at least that's how the Arrancar, no, Espada, feels. At the age of 27, Rekkan was only a small enterprise's businessman. He answered some calls and brought your average looking client to the company. However, the days were sooo boring. 12 hours sitting your ass in a small cubicule can drive you insane and, before that happened, Rekkan committed suicide. Fall off the rooftop, landing on the company's CEO sports car. IN YOUR FACE BITCH!

Death - Needless to say that after dying, the wandering soul of Rekkan began to feel lonely and sad. Yeah well, that's what you guys want to think. The soon to be Tercera just carried on wandering, at least he was visiting new places, away from Yokohama. However, it took him a simple misturn to Karakura to get devoured by a Hollow and become one himself. Living as Hollow, eating other souls, he escaped Shinigami and Quincy alike and broke the chains of Reality, being able to reach a higher form of counscience. He broke from the grasps of servitude and destroyed part of his mask, regaining his thoughts and, well, becoming more human-like... An Arrancar.

Into Las Noches, the Tercera arises - As Arrancar, Rekkan soon learned how to survive in Hueco Mundo. Needing to fight and kill, he trained hard to master his proficiency over his own Reiatsu and improve his swordsman skills. It was all down to how long would he stand against the almighty Espada. Without even thinking on the chance that he wasn't ready, Rekkan wanted to prove that he could be one of the Ten. Fighting his way up against the Decima and so on, he reached level three. The Tercera Espada, Akume no Rekkan, presents... Himself?

RP Sample:

Things weren't going very well. Although the ability to make it seem that the old geezer had a lump on his backs was marvelous and fooled everyone, it seemed that Mr. Bear picked the wrong human to bet in his behalf. The old man was edgy and rash, losing most of his money and winning none. The modified soul grunted silently in anger as he found his plan going down the toilet for moments that seemed eternal. What was there to do in a situation like this? One had to change plans immediatly and find a way to take advantage of his size. But of course, the teddy bear was the size of a small, to be born baby. He pondered a marvelous and lunatic idea, so crazy that it could actually work.

In a casino full of wealthy people, there were always the deranged rich teens that wanted some happy time. No, the "happy time" was not actually the gambling and the losing or winning, but the enhancement of one's state of mind by the use of... Pills. And who not better to walk around with those "pills" other than a crazy eighteen years old guy? Now where was that usual party boy? Mr. Bear slid down the old man's coat and fell down to the floor, hiding beneath the blackjack table. He scanned his surroundings for the perfect match, finding what he was looking. The target was a young man, just like he had pictured. That man was black, had a long purple coat and a golden staff. Oh, right, a pimp. Probably one of those famous rappers one sees in the commercial and silly Television Channel, MTV. Music Television provides you with 23 hours of daily teen drama shows and... ONE HOUR OF MUSIC...! For Mr. Bear, the point of calling that channel "Music Television" completely loses its sense when one checks the TV Guide for that specific channel.

But anyway, there were more important things to think about, other than criticize a rascal teen channel. Mr. Bear could confirm that the young "rapper" had something in his pockets. The cloth did'nt help much but there was surely something in the man's pockets, as stated above. It could be anything, but Mr. Bear would place his bets on a "Rainbow Pill", which had almost immediate effects. Now how to approach such a delinquent teen? Mr. Bear travelled through the chain of blackjack tables, which were separated by a mere couple of feet each. With the help of wind to thrust his small and light body from one table to the other, as well as coordinating when to do such a thing in order not to be seen, the teddy bear reached the Roullette, where the teen was aiming high.

He proceeded by using a thin layer of wind to penetrate into the rapper's pocket and search it, being able to take out a small transparent little bag. Inside would be a dozen - give or take - "Rainbow Pills". These hallucinogetic drugs made the person believe anything they were told and imagine it. Quite a nice invention if you ask Mr. Bear. He removed a couple of them, which would equal the time of three hours if given at the proper moment. Although the stuffed toy could not thank the rapper for such an "innocent" aid, he would provide him with some mere reward in the future.

To find another adolescent, this time a naive girl. The adolescent needed to be a brunette, for it would be hard for any other type of girl to imagine what this teddy bear had planned. He easily found one, a lonely drifter that looked for some company. An amateur could say she was a hooker looking to grab a nice and wealthy old fart, but by her outfit, which was a skirt that stretched down to her knees and a white button shirt, Mr. Bear could recognize a businesswoman. She was probably in New Karakura for some meeting, hitting the casino for the first time to try her luck. Alas, businesswoman or not, she did not seem as determined as they usually are. The subject seemed feeble and weakminded, someone easy to call out, easy to manipulate. Mr. Bear waited patiently for the right moment to act, the moment in which she would most certainly order a drink from the bar. It did not take long, for she moved towards the bar as the same time as Mr. Bear. Perfect...

Close to his target, right beneath her, Mr. Bear administrated the first pill to the woman's drink. She would follow that move by taking the glass and drinking from it, an evil grin echoing out of Mr. Bear's mouth. Five minutes later, she'd feel hot and uncomfortable. Running to the bathroom, a small figure stalked the young woman from the shadows. Upon arrival at the bathroom, the show began. Hallucinating, the girl could feel nothing more but a sudden filling of her shirt, more specifically in her guts. She would scream of surprise and fright before being silenced by an "inner" voice. Her wide dellusional eyes looked around, trying to find out from where that voice came, but it was to no avail.

"Listen to me, young girl, for I shall speak only once!" - said Mr. Bear in an omnipotent tone, vibrating his vocals - "You have been chosen to carry me! I am the saviour, Jesus Christ! I have come upon the World, so that with my two feet I took possession of it! You are the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary! Accept!"

Not the most convincing of speeches, but Mr. Bear knew that this was enough on a person under the effects of the "Rainbow Pills". Frightened, the girl had no other choice but to believe and imagine such a thing. She was pregnant in her eyes, and everyone who saw her would think the same. Looking from a small gap of the shirt, Mr. Bear had what he wanted. He would force the woman into a blackjack table and count cards himself like the genius he was, being rewarded for his efforts with enough money to start his plan on Earth. He would whisper when to bet or not and the woman would follow fervously, profitting with the whole situation. She would lose occasionaly, not small sums but also big ones, so that everyone would believe she was having momentary streaks of luck. However, in a final play, the teddy bear planned to take 1,250,000$ in chips and accomplished it. After losing 700,000$, he saw fit to gain such a sum and leave. It would be enough for what he had in mind.

Using his second pill to keep the woman in a short leash, Mr. Bear decided that it was time to leave. He would make the human transport him to the casino's bank in which they would cash what they earned and leave. Hopefully, the Casino's staff would not be sure of what happened before it was too late. This Casino had some weird presence in Karakura... And when Mr. Bear entered it, it felt like he had penetrated into the territory of someone or something... Quite powerful.

"To make my grand exit before it is too late. Sadly, the cashier takes time to give the money, but all will be settled in due time. The plan went perfectly, it CANNOT fall in ruins now." - he thought, almost sure of his win, but ready to use alternate plans if something was to happen.

Innate Ability

Name: Lessons of Spiritual Pressure

Description: In order to hold his ground against stronger opponents, Rekkan trained in order to master control over his Reiatsu. It was not to hide one's pressure, but to better control its flux and release it throughout his body, making it more of a shield. When facing a stronger opponent or one of equal strength, the Espada is able to compress his Reiatsu into one specific spot of his body before it is hit, making it more resistant against an attack. The Reiatsu will serve as armor and the flesh that could be easily penetrated will only suffer a scratch or, if fighting an even weaker foe, it won't injure Rekkan at all.

Resurreccion Information

Name: Orgasmo

Release Phrase: "Que te vienas..."

Element/Family: Reiatsu

Represent: Woman o.o

Sealed Resurreccion: A Katana with a small hilt, only allowing Rekkan to wield it with a hand.

Released Resurreccion: A Katana, although this one possesses a longer hilt, allowing Rekkan to hold it with both hands.

Resurreccion Special Ability: Rekkan's ressurréccion enters in a partnership with his innate ability. Not only does it grant a bigger amount of Reiatsu, it also allows Rekkan to concentrate it to a deeper extent. However, while in his innate ability Rekkan focuses Spiritual Pressure in a specific point of his body, he is able to compress it in a specific area within his range and suffocate an opponent with his high levels of energy. Of course, it depends on the opponent in question and his strength. A stronger enemy will not be affected by this, although he/she will certainly suffer some increased difficulty in his movements. The Resurrección's ability allows Rekkan to powerplay with his Reiatsu. More than simply releasing it, he can concentrate it in one spot instead of letting it wander off and scatter. Apart from this, it also possesses techniques of defense and offense properties.

Last edited by Rekkan on Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D   Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 8:28 am

Awweh. I was hoping to have you as one of my captains.
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PostSubject: Re: Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D   Akume no Rekkan goes Espada, =D Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 8:53 am

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