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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Bountou Rankings

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PostSubject: Bountou Rankings   Bountou Rankings Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 3:56 am

These are the list of the current Legendary Bounts:

Note: The Bountou ranks are arranged in the style of chess, starting from the Monarch, all the way down to the knights, along with the fact they are adopting names from German nobility of the German empire under Prussian sovereignty.

True Leader:

0. Die Kaiser (The Emperor/True Leader) -Adalfrid


1. Die König (The King/Vice Leader) -

2. Die Grossherzog (The Grand Duke/2nd Legendary) -


3. Die Erzherzog (The ArchDuke/3rd Legendary)-

4. Die Herzog (The Duke/4th Legendary) -


5. Die Fürst (The Prince/5th Legendary) -

6. Die Burggräf (The Burgrave/6th Legendary) -

Keepers of knowledge:

7. Die Gräf (The Count/7th Legendary) -

8. Die Freiherr (The Baron/8th Legendary) -


9. Die Edler Herr (The Lord/9th Legendary) -

10. Die Patrizierhaus (The Patrician/10th Legendary) -


True Leader: The real leader in charge of the Bounts, his identity is kept a secret to a point nobody knows of his existence but as a councilman with supposedly figurehead-like political power over the Bount. Foreigners may not even know of his true role but as an advisor of sorts.

Leaders: Those who are in charge of the Bounts, they possess strength, power, will, intelligence and ingenuity to be considered the strongest of the strong, being in charge of directing operations to a major scale and making many decisions, some of them diplomatic and others internal.

Inquisitors: The jack-of-all-trades, Inquisitors are the right-hand of the Leaders, doing as what they will and even holding power as well over those who are lower than them. They are almost on par with the leaders in terms of combat effectiveness, but due to that, they are sent on the field and can be seen as 'field leaders' directing the will of their superiors wherever they go. They also are supervisors in a sense, or more accurately; overseers.

Warlords: They are made for battles, being tough in just about every sense. They'll be the ones to lead troops alongside enforcers in order to bring about the victory of the Bounts. Although they are lower in skills compared to the Enforcers, they are still very capable in their own rights as warriors, and have a massive endurance to be able to withstand through all ordeals of sorts.

Keepers of Knowledge: Being a special rank, keepers of knowledge are exempt from duties of their peers to simply handle 3 fields of sorts, intelligence services, medical support and technological research. Their duties are mostly around the field of knowledge, but their skills can be called upon when need be in battle. (Since this is a special rank, anyone in this are seen as equals and there can be challenge to both ranks at any times since numbers means nothing with them.)

Auxiliary: A group of defensively minded individuals out there to defend anything that has to do with Bounts. They are basically the opposite of warlords, whereas to warlords attack, Auxiliary defend.

Last edited by Hiruma on Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bountou Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bountou Rankings   Bountou Rankings Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2009 2:43 pm

If approved, I would like to apply for Die Kaiser.

Please and thank you.
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Quinta Espada

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Join date : 2009-11-05

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PostSubject: Re: Bountou Rankings   Bountou Rankings Icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2009 6:50 am

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