Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Finding something to do

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Finding something to do Empty
PostSubject: Finding something to do   Finding something to do Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 4:25 pm

He now shunpo'd into the air landing softly about fifty feet up, opening a gate to the world of the Hollows. Heuco Mundo He grinned as he jumped in creating a perfectly formed walkway. From there, he slid like a skate board through the endless darkness. It seemed to be boring in the world of the living and he didn't want a bunch of quincies getting mad at him and trying to attack or anything so Heuco Mundoit was. Suddenly he saw the light. He saw the sand of the realm and jump through the opening and landed with a crunch of the sand under his shoes. His hair waved lightly as his zanpaktou hung uselessly. He had never been to this place as in this was his first visit. He sighed and smiled at the first time. Everything seemed almost sad here. There seemed to be no life what so ever. It didn't smell bad or anything so it wasn't uncomfertable and a smile raised into a wide grin on his face. He sighed as he felt different in this place.
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Finding something to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding something to do   Finding something to do Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 10:37 am

(So in other words this site is dead then? Does anyone EVER sign into this site any more? I mean really. I am just walzing into the white sand desert and no one has even as much winked an eye.
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Finding something to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding something to do   Finding something to do Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 7:04 pm

(Well like you said you just watlzed in..... Maybe if you hill some hollows or attack Las Noches, then you'll get someone's attention..)
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Finding something to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding something to do   Finding something to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 8:12 pm

He would sigh and decide to take a walk around the desert, looking around. He now unsheathed his zanpaktou as he turned around at the presence of a Hollow approaching. It was nothing more than a weakling. Nothing strong enough to harm a normal soul reaper much less a vaizard elite. He readied himself for attack then with a shunpo, made a lung for the neck. The hollow didn't seem to make much of a attempt to block or it did but failed horribly. With this he moved his zanpaktou up and sheathed.
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PostSubject: Re: Finding something to do   Finding something to do Icon_minitime

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