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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Hinin Twilian, outcast

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Hinin Twilian, outcast Empty
PostSubject: Hinin Twilian, outcast   Hinin Twilian, outcast Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 9:20 am

Name: Hinin Twilian

Nick name/alias: Hinin.

Age: 653
Visual age: 24

Ex-Division: 3rd Division

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has blueish black hair that goes down to his shoulders. He is about 5'11 and has blue eyes. He has a thin face and a medium sized neck. His skin is slightly pale but not scary pale like a horror movie or something. He has a medium sized nose. His hair has red died tips.

Personality: He is kinda quiet unless you get to know him. He likes the idea of peace but doesn't like the fact that people keep disrupting the peace to acheive their own greed. He doesn't care for the shinigami nor the arrancar so he feels their battles are their battles. He thinks of himself as a "Good guy" when it comes to actually making a difference but if it doesn't have to do with him, he doesn't care about it too much.

Background/History: He was born in tokyo japan on a cold december fourth. His parents were poor and didn't really take care of him. He learned to take care of himself. He went to school like the other kids but never talked to any one. He always kept to himself and if someone got on his nurves, he tought them a lesson in respect. He wasn't really respected and he didn't care if he was. Respect was never given to people who were poor. He turned fifteen and one of the popular kids. Everyone wanted to be his friend because no one wanted to be on his bad side. He got a job soon after that and got the respect that he never expected. Things seemed good for him. After he moved out of his parent's house at the age of seventeen, he moved into a town called Karakura town. He left all of his family behind and started a new life. He went to collage and got a new job. He still remained as quiet as he could and minded his own business. When he turned twenty four, he had graduated the first year of collage. He had high hopes for the futur and even had a girlfriend. The day he died, his girlfriend broke up with him and his boss fired him. Agrivated at life, he walked into a local bar. The bar was robbed and he was stabbed in the stomach. He bled to death on the floor of the bar.

He went to the soul society by being transported by a shinigami. He didn't do too well in the accademy to become a soul reaper but eventually got the hang of it. He joined the third division. He hadn't been in an actual fight yet and his first mission was supposed to start that day. He went to karakura with his captain but got cocky and took on the hollow on his own. He underestimated the power of the hollow and was nearly killed when a vizard mask appeared on his face, helping him win the fight. Instead of getting scared and ripping it off, he embraced it. His suppiors didn't like the idea of him being a vizard and using the mask so the forbid him to using it ever again. He started to train the mask in privat when no one was around. Eventually, he learned how to adapt to the power, making the mask stronger and larger, and spreading it across his face. It became a full vizard mask for the first time when he became the Luitenent of the third division. It appeared in front of everyone and he was shot out of the soul society.



Manifestation:He is a tall skinny man with long straight brown hair. His eyes are blood red and his face is smooth with no facial. He has a long narrow face and wide cheek bones. He appears to have no muscle and always wears a black hooded cloak but leaves the cloak unzipped so it gives him a feeling of freedom.

Release Phrase:Prevail Kelfoon!



Sealed Zanpacktou:It is a black blade on a red square for a handguard. There is a black dragon sworling in the center of the handguard. The handle is black with red lacing.

[shikai]Released Zanpacktou:It forms to be a tri-blade. The blades turn blue and a black velvet ribbon appears around the hilt. A red dragon design apears on each of the blades.

Shikai Ability:He can control his own shadow and turn it into what ever form his wishes. His reiatsu increases.

Bankai appearence: He ubtains a black hooded cloak, unzipped, identical to the one Kelfoon wears,(Kelfoon is his zanpaktou.) The appearence of the zanpaktou itself changes as well. The tips of the two blades on the side of the center blade sworl down and form into on large blade with two holes. The blade turns completly blood red and the black ribbon turns into black wolf fur wrapping around the handle so that it would not come off. It is attached at both ends to the handle.

Bankai ability: The zanpaktou creates a giant cloud of reiatsu in the sky, the color of the cloud being black. He is able to unleash a giant wave of black reiatsu. Its cooldown is 5 posts. It lasts 3 posts.


Shadow fire-This is a powerful black ball of reiatsu that is fired from the hands when in the formation of a circle. It can leave severe burns on the opponent. Cooldown:2 posts

Vaizard mask


Manifestation:He looks exactly like Hinin just negative.

Hollow Mask Appearance:It is a rounded head and has what appears to be fur comming from the lower edges of the mask. The fur like shape to it gives the mask an almost wolf characteristic. The teeth are giant like a hollows and one small eye. The other eye is normal sized but black eye ball and red pupil. His smaller eye is yellow with a black pupil. It has two slits for nostrils.

Ability: He is able to control parts of other shadows other than his own. He can now pick his own shadow from the ground and make it physical, wheather it be morphed into a sword or a ball of reiatsu. He can fully control the shadow how ever he wishes to. He can control up to three feet of the shadow.
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Quinta Espada

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Join date : 2009-11-05

Hinin Twilian, outcast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hinin Twilian, outcast   Hinin Twilian, outcast Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 10:04 am

I guess
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