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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Rebecca Seitz

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PostSubject: Rebecca Seitz   Rebecca Seitz Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 7:27 pm

Basic Character Info

Rebecca Josee Seitz



1st Division


Rebecca's appearence stands out by her short white and blue dress insted of a traditional shinigami outfit.

The first way of Rebecca's personality could be described as silly and bubbly- thats two ways to put it, she is fun, bouncy, random and sweet to her beloved friends, that side is seen often, but she had always been told thats not the proper way to act. She is loyal to her superiors unless they piss her off however that isnt really easy to do, She is use to being pushed around is is quite gullible. Sometimes she acts like she doesnt care, even when she does, its just she doesnt really know what to do or say at times. When meeting new people she is a bit shy. but when you get to know her really well she acts cheerfull, silly, and flirtatous.

She also gets attched to anyone. She may try to act silly just to make others laugh, since she can never stand to see people she cares for mad or sad. Rebecca is flirtatious but never goes to far, she is mostly to shy at times and is embarrased of herself and self concious. She is use to having people talk shit about her, even though it still stings inside. She is a sucker for love, but others dont know that. She is rather emotional, and can cry easily, her emotional self gets hurt easily. She has brains to asses situations, but she can find almost anything shes looking for if its lost. She also has a photographic memory, which can come in handy at times. Rebecca gets scared easily, however she never tries to show it to others. She mainly stays silent around the people that she doesnt really like or she is afraid of. She has the habit of clinging to anyone whether she likes them or not if she gets really frightened.

Combat Personailty
When she is engaged in combat, with her Shikai released it mean a that a new Rebecca is seen, and a new side is driven out of her. She tends to loose control of herself and craves to fight. A more suited personality for someone thats is an arrancar right? She bottles up her feeling inside, and they end up pouring out in some emotional battles. When her Shikai is released, you see a more lusted and bloodthirsty side of Rebecca, one that completely lusts for battle that she almost goes insane, only to be driven ahead and pushed forwards by her dead zanpaktou and inner hollow spirits who taint her mind. In other words, fighting brings her exctasy and pleasure. It as if all the hate and dispair from her life altered her gentle self to become a monster, no...a demon. Not even hesitating to take a persons life if she has to. However there are times when she wont loose herself in the fight, and she would act more serious and calm, restraining herself greatly. However Rebecca can hold back such tempations that arise in her and display a more clamer, cooler side at times. Because of how she sometimes acts while in combat holds her back from going into Shikai.

A family that seemed normal. Yea, thats what Rebecca wished she had. Well it all seemed normal. She just lived a easy childhood with slight family Drama..ok mabey quie a bit of famil Drama. Rebecca was born in a small town called Canora that was about a half a hour drive from where her parents lived. She was a very quiet baby with a few odd habits such as throwing a baby bottle at people when she was done with it or biting on peoples fingers. Rebecca grew up in a small town that you would concider it to be a village. She wasnt a only child. She had a older half brother who shared a different father then her. Now things started to turn into drama before Rebecca was even in school. It was a normal night and rebecca and her brother were playing a board game *sorta* on the living room floor. Behind them were their parents. They were sitting on the couch talking to eachother. However they started to argue about something but at the time Rebecca and her brother were to younge to really understand what it was about. they just pretended like nothing was happening. however next thing you know their sent to their room and end up hearing a large argument, yelling, fighting ect.

After that night they moved. Rebecca, her mom and her brother that is did. They moved to a town 20 minutes from where they use to live. however Rebecca's dad wanted to get custody of the two children but just couldn't. the mother was a bit of a drunk and ended up neglecting the children at times. On the year that the three moved was the year Rebecca entered Kindergarden. Later on in that year the house that Rebecca was curently living in caught on fire and burned to the ground, Rebecca got out with minor burns. it wasnt for her mothers current boyfriend, Rebecca would have died in the fire. So after everything settled...the next morning the three...well four if you include Rebecca's mother boyfriend, spent their life in an apartment until they got another house...that ironicaly was right beside their old burnt down house.

Rebecca's mom was a...slight alocoholic that went through quite a bit of boyfriends. So the rest of her life was spent moving around in many places. during this time Rebecca became more independant. tired of neglection and little contact with her father since he went and moved on, getting a new family and life. Rebecca simply ran away and lived on the streets. she had good street credit that was for sure and she managed to always find a place to stay and fend for herself. As she grew older rebecca thought she was going crazy, why? well she started seening things, spirits to be exact. Hollows as well. Shinigami arrancar, you name it. Rebecca was introduced to a whole new world, the spritual world that co-exisited with the world she lived in. Her eyes opened up that was for sure, she never could go back to her so called normal ways again. Her death was not weird at all, nope nope not odd at all in any way. Rebecca got caught up with a hollow, starting to be chased from the monster. Being attacked by the hollow Rebecca's soul was removed from her body, being connected by teh chain of fate. She had become a spirit being. However a shinigami came to exorsist the hollow but during the battle the chains of fate broke, meaning Rebecca was now dead. Now the severed chains of fate began theyre way up closer to Rebecca's chest where the chain was attached. thankfully before Rebecca could become a hollow she was taken to the soulsociety by the shinigami who killed the hollow. Who preformed a sould burial on her being.

Time in Rukongia
She remained in the Rukongia for many years, she had spiritual power within her, however she didnt chose to do anything with them. a few more years passed when she decided to stop wasting away her...after life? and go do something. A shinigami shortage seemed to be going on, at least thats what it appeared to be from Rukongia, mabey they just didnt go there. but who knows. Now it was achademy days. Rebecca was recruited to become a shinigami. The academy days were the days Rebecca loathed, at least the bookwork part. However she was interested in Kendo and kido. Rebecca devoloped a talent for the two. However she excelled in kendo more. Rebecca was introduced to her zanpakuto, a katana with red engravingsd. She didnt know its name of course. Infact she didnt think zanpaktous had names at the time. It was about the time that she graduated that she started to learn her zanpaktou...Dragon De Sangre, the most sadistic zanpaktou in the world.

Obtaining Shikia
Now a new side of Rebecca was born, a blood lusted, insane side of Rebecca that is, meeting with four manifestations of her zanpaktou that took the form of dragons caused a change in her. She was spoken to by the four dragons of great size. Dragon De Sangre. thats what the name of the zanpaktou was. It wasnt long after that when shikai was released. It turned Rebecca into a monster. vivid blood red eyes and a sadistic nature to her being. It was unleased and running rapmpage. She never knew what it was, but she couldnt stop it now. In the event that shikia was first released Rebecca was with other shinigami who were hunting hollows. However when shikia was released Rebecca was in a state of paranoia that everone was the enemy. Shinigami and all. She killed them without hesitation. Camerades of her own. After all was dead, after the battle was over, After sealing the shikia the zanpakuto never reverted back to a blade with red engravings, insted it turned into a seal resembling a tattoo on Rebecca's chest sealing the blood thristy nature of Rebecca away. As more and more years passed by it was all calming down. Rebecca faught hand to hand, her only form of defense besides kido. After having her zanpaktou's sealed appearence morph Rebecca's skin became hard like a arrancars heirro Rebecca learned that until she called out a new, longer release phrase for her zanpaktou it would break the seal and regain her shikia blade, but it was only temporarily however that wasnt discovered for quite some time, about the time after Rebecca graduated from the shinigami achademy.

––––•(-•Zåñþåkµ†ō Ìñ£örmå†ïöñ•-)•––––

Dragón De Sangre|Blood Dragons

––––•(-•Rêlêå§ê þhrå§ê•-)•––––
Infect, Stain your teeth with crimson blood Dragón De Sangre


Dragon De Sangre takes on 5 different manifestations. However one remians hiden until certain moments. So that leaves the zanpaktou to have 4 different main manifestations, Each a dragon representing Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The thing about the manifestations, is how they manifest themselves to Rebecca, from the seal upon Rebecca, you can see the manifestations appear as a tattoo themselves, small from their original size, they move along Rebecca's skin and achually appear by popping out of Rebecca's skin, *click spoiler for example*
Red Blood Cells
Name: Akaseru
White Blood Cells
Name: Shiroseru
Name: Kesshou
Name: Iregyura
|Sangre is the final manifestaiton of the Zanpaktou. He takes the form of a human with dragon wings upon his back. One eye is yellow which with slit pupils and the other eye is blood red with black insted of the whites of the eyes, the red eye is hiden under a eyepatch. Sangre is feared by the other manifestations and is refered to as the 'supreme ruler'. Sangre never appears unless he absolutely desires to. Sangre's personality is like Rebecca's when she is in shikia, Bloodthirsty, Lust filled and Sadistic, however most of the times he acts wuite calm and serious. Sangre informs Rebecca that the two are 'like lovers' by how they act. Its obvious that the two share the same nature.

––––•(-•§êålêÐ Zåñþåkµ†ö•-)•––––
There is no sealed zanpakuto that takes on the form of a blade or weapon of anykind. As said earlier on there is a seal placed on Rebecca which is achually the sealed form of her zanpakuto, taking on the form of a tattoo. the tattoo is placed on Rebecca's chest, However since the Sealed form of the zanpaktou is like this her skin is hardened, making her hand to hand attacks hit harder and added protection against attacks. Its like her skin is heirro. She likes to let others see the seal. When Rebecca calls out her shikia the seal, which was black, emmits a red glow around it before it breaks an releases her shikia

––––•(-•§hïkåï •-)•––––

––––•(-•§hïkåï Äßïl•-)•––––
The blade looks shiny as if there was water on it. Upon the blade there is a coating of Toxins that resemble the unpurified Botulinum Toxin, one of the most lethal naturally occuring substances known to science, However this substance is altered to be at least 10 times stronger making the effects take place sooner due to its altered state there are some extra effects that differ from the regular unaltered toxin. As stated in Rebecca's character app, she is immune to all posions and their effects. This immunity is present through all toxins, altered ones included, When coming in contact with a new type of poison Rebecca will feel its effects for a post or two while her body takes in the poison and rapidly buids a immunity to the new posion.
Rebecca also grows fangs like a vampire. Beside the increases her speed and strength along with her stamina, Rebecca's Ability mainly relys off of blood, she can regenerate blood cells quickly so blood loss is never a issue, wounds given to her bleed heavily but its nothing to worry about as the lost blood cells are automaticaly replaced, Within her body she produces the altered Botulinum Toxin in her body without harming herself, meaning the toxins are in her blood, siliva ect. Any posion she comes in conact with is absorbed in her body, adding onto the effects of her current posion and making it stronger. The same toxins coats her blade and once an opponant is cut the toxins release into their body and effect them|

Small Wounds: effects include symoms such as Blepharospasm (excessive blinking) Migraine or other headache disorders, The toxin interferes with nerv impulses and will cause major Muscle stiffness and/or failure[effects last for 4 posts]
Large wounds: the target begins to have double vision, dry throat and mouth from decreased siliva production, they're nervs also become hyper sensitive, making each wound and scratch feel like a limb is being torn off [effects last 5 posts]
Severe wounds/Severed Limbs/Impalement: This may be experienced as dyspnea (breathlessness), but when severe can lead to respiratory failure: to the buildup of unexhaled carbon dioxide and its resultant depressant effect on the brain. This may lead to coma and eventually death if untreated[effects last for 6 posts if no treatment is issued the target may go into a coma*death isnt issued unless the person wants to die* ]
If the effects of the posion are still inplace and another wound is delt to the target there will be a added 1 or two posts to the effects. also if say a small wound still has the effects of the posion within them and the wound becomes large, the efects of a large wound take place along with the added 1 or 2 posts. Also you may know that the regular Botluium Toxin is dystroyed quickly by heat. Again i will remind you that the toxin is alter and conjoined by other deadly toxins and heat will not destroy it. It gradually wears off on its own.


Poisonous Bite/Kiss
Rebecca has some of the altered Botuminum Toxin coating her teeth and mouth, However she focuses more of the toxins in her tounge area. She will then bite or kiss her target, which ever it is easier for to do so. There are large quantities of Toxins within her fangs.
If Rebecca chooses to kiss her target then the Botuminum toxin distributes to her target through her siliva since she most likely will french kiss the target. Once the toxins are in the targets body they will slowly start to feel the effects of the toxins. Rebecca chooses to kiss a target insted of biting them because more toxins are sent into the opponants body since she gathers most of her toxins created within her mouth and on her tounge. However whether biten or kissed the toxins still have the same affect, just toxin delived by her siliva when kissed are stronger due to the gathering of toxins in htat specific area,

1-3 posts: weakness spreads to the arms (starting in the shoulders and proceeding to the forearms) and legs (again from the thighs down to the feet) Depending on where the target was biten the weakness will sred. If the target was kissed the mucsles in the fce stiffen as well and works the stiffness down the body.
4-6 posts: In addition to affecting the voluntary muscles, it can also cause disruptions in the autonomic nervous system, the nerv impulses are interfered with making muscles not respond as well. There is a difficulty in talking as well.
8-11 posts: postural hypotension (decreased blood pressure on standing, with resultant lightheadedness and risk of blackouts), Muscles seize to function propery and the target may precipitate nausea and vomiting.
12+ posts: The toxins continue to infect the body, They attack the respetory muscles and the respitory system can become paralyzed temporarily. Yet the nerv systems go out of wack making the target feel excutciating (sp) pain and will be highly unable continue to fight. Death is generally secondary to respiratory failure due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, so treatment consists of antitoxin administration and artificial ventilation until the neurotoxins are excreted or metabolised Though the toxins are more likely to wear off *which begins around 14 posts* The treatment is more likely to fail but it doesnt mean it will fail and it best to hang in until the toxins seize. Its best if the target retreats for immediate medical attention.

If Rebecca chooses to bite her target, the fangs she has will peirce her opponants skin, Her fangs are hollow and extra hard, allowing her to peirce that skin of an arrancar's heirro. So she injects her own blood which is contaminated with the Botulinum Toxin. Rebecca will try to bite certain muscles or simply the neck. Once the toxins start to infect the body because injecting overactive muscles with minute quantities of a altered botulinum toxin type-A would cause a decreased muscle activity by blocking the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, thereby rendering the muscle unable to contract for a added period of 1 to 3 posts

6 post cooldown
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PostSubject: Re: Rebecca Seitz   Rebecca Seitz Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 2:29 am

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