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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly

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Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Empty
PostSubject: Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly   Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 12:53 pm

Name: Psychophixia Asphyxiaton

Age: 738

Visual Age: 28

Gender: Male

Division: 2nd Division Captain

Appearance: He no longer wore the traditional outfit. He changed his clothes into a two piece white suit with black stripes and a popped collar. Underneath the suit he wears a black shirt. Over the top of his head he wears a mask that covers over his nose and up. Above the nose there is gold plating covering over the eyes. Extending out from the plating there are three tenticle-like extensions. Each with a bell at the tip. His shoes were turned more jester-like. At the edge they curled up a bit, with a bell at the tip. He also wears white gloves to finish his look. On the back of his jacket is the symbol of the 2nd Squad.

Personality: Psycho is totally whacked out. Thoughts constantly running through his mind; always changing. He rants off a lot, changing the subject mid-sentence. He is crazed out when fighting, always ready to torture his oppponent just for the fun of it. Though if his opponent pisses him off, he will make their death quick and merciless. Drawing out their pain as much as he can. He prefers others like him, he won't even look at you if he finds nothing intresting inside of the person.

Background/RP Sample

Human Life.

Psycho was born into a guild of Assasins, in there Psycho was taught to kill with a multitude of weapons and fighting techniques ever since he was old enough to remember. At the age of six, Psycho was still not named, he was only a number. Number 746, he was the 746th child to be born into the guild. He was a prodigy amon the rest of the kids, he could always preform a quick and swift kill; much better and cleaner than the rest of the kids. It was one year later that the guild started drug testing on the childrend and 746 was the lucky number. They first started with the halloucinogens, it had a mild effect upon 746. As he was able to keep a sense of what was real and what was fake. But he was also able to see something strange, something new; they were hollows. He watched for days on end as these beasts killed others and ate their souls. Few weeks passed and they brought 746 in for more drug trials. This time it was the psychedlics, these had more of a dangerous on the mind of the young boy. These warped his mind over, casuing him to babble nonsense. But they had another effect on him as well, they turned his killings more brutal and savage. He was still the top likk in the guild, mainly cause everyone else is too scared to challenge him for his rank; as he would slaughter them with no second thought. He was crazed out enough that he started to attack the hollows as if they were nothing. And to him, they were. The others that watched him gave him a name that caught the ears of everyone: Psycho. When 746 first heard this, it drew him to anger. He scrapped away at his eyes, causing great scarring. He soon after created a mask to cover the top half of his head. A few days later, he put on tow black gloves and headed into the main room. Everyone in the room looked over to see what Psycho was going to do. Slowly Psycho walks to the center of the room. One of the officals walks up to Psycho and stands a foot in front of the seven year old boy. " Something you need 746? " Psycho let out a wide grin and raised up his right hand. The offical then literally fell to pieces before Psycho. The offical's blood sprayed everywhere in the main room. Some of the members looked shocked, the others confused. They have never seen a weapon like this before. It was garrotte, a weapon so complex, that it is said that one needs eighty fingers to operate one glove. What happens is that thin, sharp wires come out of the glove. The wires are sharp enough that they can easily slice through Iron. And thin enough to be almost invisible to the eye. The other in the room quickly rush in towards Psycho, drawing out their weapons. But they were already too late. Psycho extended out both his arms and quickly drew them in. The wires sliced through everyone that came in towards him. Their blood sprayed everywhere, covering the walls and they young boy. One of the older members feared in a corner, trembling and covered in blood. " Why?!? Why Psycho, Why!?!? " The man asked. Psycho just laughed histerically as he slaughterd him as well. Psycho slowly walks out of the room, but stops just short of the door. He then turns his head back. " Oh, and it is Psychophixia now.... " Psycho says as he let out a hysteric and demonic laugh, covered in everyone's blood. Years passed since the massacare of the guild. As Psycho grew older so did his fame; soon after destroying the guild, Psycho became a mercenary for hire. He wasn't a cheap merc and he only killed one thing, Hollows. For humans weren't interesting, he found them borying and dull. And he couldn't stant that at all. The only time Psycho killed humans was only if the price was high enough. Psycho became a legend in the killing world. His skill, Divine. His style, Flawless. His state of mind, Questionable. For you see, Psycho kept on taking the drugs, so that he could still see the hollows. But the drugs kept on twisting his mind more and more, turning him into a monster. Unable to keep his sense of sanity. Psycho hid in the shadows and watched the world he knew from a disntance. Even though he hid in the shadows, Psycho still kept killing hollows. At the age of 22, Psycho had completly lost all sense of reason and thought. He stopped killing hollows and started to kill humans again. He became a widely known serial killer. Emperor's sent their best warriors to go and kill Psycho. All failed. In a matter of days, Psycho turned the town he lived into a ghost town. Corpses everywhere, the only living thing was Psycho. In a not so distant village, multiple assasin guilds met to find a way to kill Psycho. There were over 60 assasins meeting at the town. They came to the decision that they should all attack him at once. At dawn they surrounded the village and slowly proceded in. They walked in horror, seeing the blood smeared walls and rotting corpses spread out through the village. The invaders hid in the shadows as they searched every nook and cranny for Psycho. What they didn't know was that Psycho was already aware of their presence. Psycho was atop the highest building watching the assasins run through his village. Psycho let out a hysteric laugh that echoed through the entire village. The assasins knew they were in trouble now. Everyone got on high alert, exposing all of their weapons. Psycho jumped off his building and swund through the town using his garrotte. He had set traps through out the village, most of which caught the lesser skilled assasins. Psycho started killing the small and more inexperienced groups. He lowered himself upside down behind two assasins and cut the throat of the one closest to him. The blood sprayed all over the other one. He turned around to see Psycho, but it was too late. As soon as the assasin took one step forward, his limbs fell off and soon his head. Psycho's garrotte trap worked without fail. Psycho continued this slaughter fest until no one was left alive. In the end Psycho stood atop the highest building and laughed in victory as he barely sustained any damage. Only two scars, one coming out of each end of the mouth. What Psycho didn't know was that all these wandering souls would bring out a hollow, the likes of which he has never seen before; A Menos Grande. Psycho shook with excitement as he watched the beast draw near. Psycho waited for the Menos to enter the village before he would begin his onslaught. The Menos let out a loud roar followed by a cero. Psycho didn't see this coming, as the cero landed at the edge of the village and sent a shockwave, destroying the village. Psycho was caught in the blast and trapped beneath a pile of rubble. Psycho looked over to see people in black with swords fighting off the Menos. One came over to Psycho's body and drew out his soul. The person in black then stabbed him in the chest. His soul was cleansed and sent off to another world where his life would begin anew.

Life In The Rukongai/Seireitei

Psycho was brought into the 47th district of the Rukongai. A district that was of mediocre wealth. Psycho was brought into this world at the age of five. He wondered why he started at a young age, maybe to start fresh; a new chance at life. He enjoyed himself as a young boy, but as he grew older, his mind started to warp. Psycho did his best to keep his sanity and work on his spiritual pressure. A few hundred years later Psycho enrolled into the Academy. Psycho wasn't particularlly fond of kido, nor was kido fond of Psycho. But swordsman ship and speed was defenitly his forte. He was top of his class for swordplay but almost bottom for Kido. Psycho trained alone during his free time to work on his kido. Years passed and he became more adept in his kido skill, raising up his rank. Fifteen years later, Psycho graduated 10th of his class. He was shifted from squad to squad, until he joined the stealth squad. While there he quickly rose up, due to his inate assasination skills. While there he changed out his outfit completly. He no longer wore the traditional outfit. He changed his clothes into a two piece purple suit with a popped collar. Underneath the suit he wore a green shirt. Over the top of his head he wears a mask that covers over his nose and up. Above the nose there is gold plating covering over the eyes. Extending out from the plating there are three tenticle-like extensions. Each with a bell at the tip. His shoes were turned more jester-like. At the edge they curled up a bit, with a bell at the tip. He also wears white gloves to finish his look. The reason he did this was his sanity is slowly taking over and he wanted his look to fit his soon-to-be state of mind. A few hundred more years passed and Psycho was still only able to keep a part of his sanity, as he became one of the top assasins in the stealth squad. Once Psycho became the Vice Captain of the squad, he trained in secret for his Bankai. For years on end, Psycho hid in an underground arena that he found training for his Bankai, until one of the greatest days of his life came. He did it, his Bankai was finally achived.
Psycho then approached the captain commander for applying to become Captain of the 2nd Division. He also brought a new idea for the test, one more appropriate for his squad. Psycho was goind to assassinate his captain. The captain commander agreed. On the fated night, cameras were set all through out the 2nd Division ground and in all of the buildings. The other captains were well aware of what was about to happen. They all watched what was going to happen in Main Hall on a monitor, connected to the cameras. Psycho stood outside his captains quarters. Psycho then invoked his Shikai and climbed up the wall, using the sharp claws. Once on the roof, Psycho used the wires to cut into the ceiling. Psycho snuck along the rafters until he was above his sleeping captain. Psycho drew his wires down and brought them around the neck of his captain. Psycho then grinned as he pulled up the wire with great force, able to take off the captain's head. But the captain was able to sense this and put his zanpaku-to up before the wires would take off his head. The captain then rolled over and fired a blast of reiatsu towards Psycho. Psycho took the hit and flew out of the building. Psycho then got up and ran towards the Training Grounds. As Psycho predicted, his captain chased him to the grounds. Psycho laughed out as he started at his captain. The captain was confused on what he was doing as he rushed in and swung at the head of Psycho. " Bankai.... " Psycho let out as his gloves faded away. His captain stopped and looked around to see what would happen. He couldn't see anything. He then looked over at the grinning Psycho. The Captain's right arm rose up with the Zanpaku-to in hand. The Captain looked in horror as he was not the one in control of his.
The Captain fought as much as he could, but to no avail, he cut open his own neck; causing instant death. The other captains watched in horror seeing the power of his bankai. Psycho was approved and annouced as the captain the next day.

RP Sample: A Shinigami portal opens up atop a high rise building. The doors slowly open and light breaks through from the other side. From the center of the light a small shadow walks towards the exit, exponentially getting bigger as it draws in closer. Once the shadow reaches it's maximum height, it steps through the portal onto the concrete top of the building. The foot that steps out isn't that of an ordinary foot. The covering of the foot isn't that of the normal footwear of the shinigami, instead it was more of a boot. The tip of the boot curled upwards facing towards the leg, with a small bell on the tip. The color itself was brown with an orange stripe in the center, on top of the boot. Starting at the edge and leading all the way to the tip, where the bell resides. The foot that extend out from the portal landed on it's ball first, then firmly plants itself using it's toes. Following the foot is the leg, coverd by dark blue pants of a suit. As more of the body revealed itself, you see that the suit is a two piece, with the jacket; the same dark blue color of the pants. Both the jacket and pants have no pockets, strange for a suit. But there was a reason behind, one others would have to find out on their own. Underneath the dark blue jacket is a green T-shirt. Moving up the figure to the head, you could see tenticle-like hair strands hang down. The tips are black while the rest of the hair is a blood red. The mouth of the man is scarred from each side with three stiches, forming into a smile. The nose and up is covered by a jester-like mask. The covering over the nose, teal, as the eyes is a gold plating with holes that just show his eyes as being white dots. From the top of the gold plating, are three extensions; one hangs over to the left, one to the right and the final hangs in the back. There is a bell at each tip, just like his boots. The color of the extentions is teal with orange stripe that extened out to each tip from the cover of the head. It was Psychophixia that came out of the portal.

Psycho extended out each arm, streaching himself out before he went off. The portal closed and sealed up behind him, as he streached his body over. One done with his streaches, Psycho walks over to the edge of the building and looks around, getting a good scoping of the land. A large grin appears on the face of Psychos as he grabs the hilt and unsheathes his Zanpaku-to, that is hanging out from the left side of his jacket. " Shread Ayatori. " Psycho whipsers out. His Zanpaku-to melts down and forms over his hands. Creating black gloves over both hands. On the center of the back end of each glove is a golden circle, with guards on the outer side. That has tendrils extend out to each finger and thumb. When the tendrils reach the tips of the fingers and tumb they widen out and form into claws, covering over the tips completly. Psycho takes his right hand and swings it outwards before him. The wires from the glove extend out and keep going until Psycho stops them or they run out of extra length. Psycho coordinates the wires to move over and wrap around a flag pole that hangs out from a building, about 20ft away. The wires wrap around the pole, getting a firm grip without slicing through it. Psycho then jumps off the building and uses the pole to swing him through the air. Psycho continues to do this with each hand, getting it to wrap around whatever he can. Be it pole, chimney, lightning rod, etc. As Psycho explored Karakura town, keeping a watch over any disturbances.

Psycho continues to swing through the town, alerterating from hand to hand on the wires that raise him up. As he swings around he start to sing a song. " Spider-man Spider-man. Here he comes, it's Spider-man. What's he like? No one cares, it's Spider-man.... How the f#@k do I know that song.... " Psycho says out. Then continues to swing about, as he starts to think to himself. Who cares how you know it? I like it. Who cares what you think, you're a jerk. Quiet down the both of you. Hey I don't need this from a retard like you. I am you..... Heh, you called yourself a retard, Anger. Oh and what are you going to do about it, Jealously? Hey, I don't need you fighting my battles, Pride..... Psycho listening to the voices inside, slams himself into a wall. When Psycho hit the wall, he broke off his concentration, reverting his Zanpaku-to back to it's sealed state. The body of Psycho peeled off the building and fell onto the ground, causing a minor dent from the impact. Psycho looks up into the sky, blood running down his face. " Well atleast Vengence didn't get into the mix up..... " Psycho sighs out. " Well I think I'll take a short nap now... " Psycho then closes his eyes and starts to drift off.

Psycho enters his dream state; walking into a large field coverd in trees and flowers. But the trees are on fire and the grass is stained red, with the blood running through it. " Ah, feels so relaxing here... I really miss this place... " Psycho says as he looks over to his left. The red, wet grass is rustling about 15ft from his position. The rustling moves in closer, getting about 5ft in the range of Psycho. Suddenly whatever was in the grass jumped out and tackled down Psycho into the blood and grass. It was a Tanuki that attacked Psycho, and not just any old Tanuki. This was Ayatori. " Ah Ayatori what are you doing attacking me like that. " Psycho confusingly asks. Ayatori just turned his head to the left and smacked Psycho in the face. Ayatori then just chirped about, due to the fact that he can't speak in human tounge, and waved his hands about; making jesters. " Oh, you are mad that I broke off concentraion and sent you sealed again.... " Psycho realizes. Ayatori give him a thumbs up and gets on his head, laying down.

Psycho gets up and walks around through the blood soaked valley. Walking about a mile into this endless field, a dark figure stands before Psycho. Ayatori raises his head and looks towards the figure in shadow. Psycho lets out a grin, knowing exactly who would interrupt his moment of peace. " Well, well if it isn't Vengence.... " The shadowed figure becomes illuminated. Vengence looks just like Psycho in every way except for the fact that his enitre outfit and color scheme is all red. " Glad of you to make a visit, Zero. " Vengence replies. Psycho is angered by that remark, a foul look appears on his face. " I believe I told you to never call me that. " Psycho scowled out. " Why? you are the orignal personality... aren't you? Zero. " Vengence chuckles out. Psycho removes his mask, revealing his scarred eyes and the black lines running down his face; all hidden beneath his mask. " Do you really want to continue to disrespect me? I chose to give you four freedom. Should I replace you with another? " Psycho yelled back out. Psycho's eyes start to glow out a bright orange. " Oh... now he is serious.... " Vengence mockingly states out. Vengence then removes his mask to show that he has no upper part to his head. " As you know we have no real face, that is why you are the orignal... " " You think I care about you right now... You are supposed to keep the others in line.... Why did you stop? " Psycho yelled out. " Well I think it would make things more interesting if I let them loose for a while.... " Vengence grins out. " I can see why I still keep you, Vengence. " Psycho then placed his mask back on and walked away. Vengence let out a smirk and vanished into the air, like dust in the wind. " Well Ayatori I have to get back now. See ya around. " Psycho says as he takes Ayatori off his head. Ayatori smiles and gives him one more smack as a reminder, then vanishes from sight. Psycho let out a sigh and woke up.

Waking up, Psycho looks around as he seemed to be laying in a pool of his own blood. Psycho got up and brushed himself off from the dust and debris. " Well that was weird.... At least a few things got straightend out... " Psycho sighs out. " He better make things more interesting... He does know I hate normal. " Psycho picks up his Zanpaku-to that has fallen to the side of him. He walks through the crowd, acting as if he is one of them. Though no one knows he is really there, he just finds this amusing and to see if anyone really can. Pscyho still hopes for the day that some one in the human world will just say " Hi " to him. Psycho kept walking through the busy streets, wondering what to do, he looked over at a billboard to see an advertisement for a movie. " Spider-man 3 " it read. This has peaked Psycho's intrest. So Psycho located the nearest movie theater and walked through the walls to see what this " Spider-man " is.

Zanpakutō Information

Name: Ayatori

Release Phrase: Shread

Element/Family: Lightning

Manifestation: Tanuki

Sealed Zanpakuto: The blade is that of a regular Zanpaku-to but the hilt extends uptowards the blade, creating the effect of a claw.

Shikai: The Zanpaku-to forms over both hands, creating two black gloves. On the center of the back end of each glove is a golden circle, with guards on the outer side.That has tendrils extend out to each finger and thumb. Once the tendrils reach the tips of the fingers and tumb they widen out and form into claws, covering over the tips completly


Shikai Ability: From the tips of the claws a very sharp and very thin, nearly impossible to see to the naked eye, wires extend out to slice up his opponents. The Wires themselves are strong enough to cut through iron and Kido lower than 20, like a hot knife through butter. The wires are able to electricute his opponent or other objects as he pleases.


[Bankai applies only for Captains, Advanced Vice Captains and Elite Vaizards]

Bankai: Marionette's Delight

Bankai Ability: His bankai is made up of thousands of tiny wires, almost naked to even the experienced of eyes. The wires can sew themselves into another person or object and take control of it. If the wires are anywhere on the person besides the head, they take control of just that area. When in a person they take control of nerves, by putting a tiny bit of his own reiatsu into them. He cannot control people stronger than himself, but if they are of equal strength they can fight back the control.

Name: Spider's Web
Ability: The wires will over lap eachother creating a web-like area expanding 6ft each side around him. Psycho can lift up the web over his head up to 5ft as well as morph it into a dome over him. If his opponent makes direct contact with the web, the wires will shock and paralyze him for two turns.
Section: Shikai
Duration: 4 posts
Cooldown: 3 posts

Name: Wire Sword
Ability: Psycho takes the wires and forms them into a nearly invisible sword. If the sword is formed in shikai mode, when the sword makes contact with his opponent; they will get a shock that will kill their nerves in that spefic area, rendering it useless for 2 turns. If the sword hits in bankai mode, than the wires infuse into the area they struck. Other than that, the sword can cut through higher lever kido up to lvl 40.
Section: Both
Duration: 5
Cooldown: 3


Last edited by Psychophixia on Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly   Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 7:50 pm

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Quinta Espada

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Join date : 2009-11-05

Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly   Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 2:36 am

But Tadashii Must Approve You As a Captain!
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Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly   Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Possibly Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 5:15 pm

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