Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai

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Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Empty
PostSubject: Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai   Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 11:01 am

Name: Tadashii Kaemasu

Gender:...Female? Oh no wait. I have junk. Male.

Visual Age: Upper Thirties.

Real Age: His real age is unknown, But he is assumed to be over 5 millenia old.

Reatsu Colour: Silver.

Appearance: Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai MGS__Solid_Snake_Profile_by_Sage_of

That's his face. And no, He doesn't wear that headband.


Tadashii is Six feet tall on the dot, And has broad shoulders. He is a large man, Weighing in at nearly 200 pounds. His muscles are large and thick, contributing to most of his weight. Thanks to his immense strength he is quite fast despite his weight, his muscles powering past it.

Part of Tadashii's personality is revealed upon his body. When seen naked his body is riddled with scars, Some big, some small, some that make you wonder how he still lives. He is a caring man, Willing to take damage to his own body to protect that of anothers.

His hair is black, but starting to grey. While it shines with a luster that can only be achieved by someone who lives life to the fullest, Grey hairs are appearing here and there, giving him a slight salt and pepper appearance. His hair is a little long, and a little scruffy. He has a permenant five o' clock shadow upon his face. These two factors combine to make him look a little scruffy, but only slightly.

Tadashii wears the shinigami uniform with the Sotaicho's Haori over it. However his has some special modifications...Within his black robes are several pockets which contain various things, Including cigars, Alcohol, Fruit juice, And clothing for Mikazuki.

The Wolf:Wherever he goes he is accompanied by a large black wolf, Her shoulders are at an average man's hip level. She wears a Zanpakuto strapped across her back and a lieutenants armband as a collar. Tadashii has often been caught refering to her as his true lieutenant (Unless it's allowed that i can make the wolf my lieutenant.) The wolf has displayed basic shinigami abilties including Shunpo, Walking on it's own reiatsu, And extremely low level kidou. (1-10). It's spiritual pressure is quite high , On par with a seated shinigami.

Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Wolf-1

Her name is actually mikazuki..Though few people (Currently only Tadashii and Okami margrave) know of it. She is somewhat of a hothead, And sometimes forgets her place in the "Pack order" With tadashii above her.

Personality: He is a rather calm person, Extremely hard to phase with anything. His face rarely betrays emotion unless he lets it, And if he does let it it is probably a tactical move. He is an extremely kind and caring person at the same time, Always willing to help, And more than willing to risk his own live to save that of a comrade..This is infact how he got most of his scars. He makes quite a bit of sarcastic remarks, This is one of his worse habits. Another one of his bad habits is a deep love for german brewed beer and sake, Which may seem odd to have together. But he appreciates both for their own traits. While drunk (Which actually happens fairly often... -Slight sweatdrop- By the way..He's got the same tolerances to alchohol as Rangiku matsumoto..So imagine how much he's got to imbibe to get drunk. It's a little scary.) He gets much more relaxed, Even possibly flirting a little, Which he would almost never do when not drunk. Strangely, He becomes less likely to fight, Not caring enough to fight when he's drunk, Much more happy to simply drink more. However, Break his alchohol container, And he will close a mighty curtain of whup-ass over your theatre of idiocy.

Likes and Dislikes:As said before, HE loves German beers and Sake. He also enjoys his personal cuss word "Shitfuggets" Which he came up with...Well god only knows how. He enjoys good cigars, And cigars only. He enjoys company with people he knows, And flirting with close friends (To an extant) As is known he is quite celibate, So maybe he doesn't like sex? Or maybe he makes weekly trips into the rukongai to screw random girls who're so happy to accept a captain into their bed....-Shrugs- Who knows. -Wink-

He dislikes people acting stupid. Especially when they have no right to act stupid. He dislikes violence, But realizes that it is a necessity to maintain peace, So while he will fight, He will only do so if neccesary. He really hates beef ramen for some reason... I mean he loves beef, But he just doesn't like it with ramen apparently.

He dislikes people who demand respect. He will not show a person respect unless he feels they deserve it. People that he doesn't know very well start with a clean slate, And actually recieve respect. However, If he feels they don't deserve it, He won't give it, No matter their rank or power. He has an extreme amount of respect for Okami Margrave.


Tadashii Kaemasu remembers little of his life as a human, The only thing he remembers is the name bestowed upon him by his mother, Tadashii, . .That he was eighteen when he died... The fact that he served in the military..And that his nickname was Kaemasu. He has taken that name as his last name, Seeing as it is the only other one he remembers.

He remembers his death however, Quite clearly..He was in a campaign. Assaulting a stronghold..The owner was rumored to be aligned with the dark arts..Noone beleived it until invisible beasts began tearing through the camp. Tadashii was one of the few who could see them, And he envied the men who couldn't see these horrible beasts. Tadashii had always been able to see spirits and he knew instantly that these were very evil spirits. Before they reached his part of the camp however, Other spirits showed up. These ones were humans... Weilding strange blades, With stranger powers. They fought valiently, But some died, And the evil spirits were only defeated aftar Tadashii was killed.

The shinigami were at work for hours after the fight, Performing soul burials (Konso) On many souls. Tadashii was one of the last to be sent to rukongai. He remembered nothing in rukongai except the vision of those dreadful beasts, Lit up by lightning. The feeling of his hair plastered against his skin...The feeling of fur? That one always confused him...The fear he felt as he fought back. That was the extent of his memories.


His life in rukongai was dull. He found work as a messengar, Carrying messages from one part of rukongai to the other. He was very good at his job for two reasons. He was quite fast, And he was quite huge. So noone messed with him, And those who did got an ass kicking.

One night he woke up suddenly. It must have been after midnight. The moon was shining through the window of the room he slept in, In his bosses house. He looked around, And sitting they're in the moonlight, Staring at him, Was a wolf. He was almost instantly back against the wall, Eyeing the wolf, Waiting for it to attack. He has seen animals in soul society before, But never a wolf.. And never in his bed room. He's there for a good ten minutes, And yet the wolf never moves..Until it lies down, Putting it's head on it's paws, And looking at Tadashii like he's crazy.

Tadashii calms down after a few more minutes and sits down, And eventually decides if the wolf hasn’t attacked yet it’s not going to, And goes back to bed. He wakes up in the morning, And the wolf is still there, Still staring at him. . .He goes down stairs, Leaving the wolf in the room, And reports to his boss, Getting a message that needs to be delivered to the zaraki district.. Tadashii shudders. Even for someone as big as him the Zaraki district is dangerous. And they’re have been tales of a huge man who will fight anyone he sees.

He walks outside, And the wolf is waiting for him, People avoiding the wolf making a huge hole in the people walking down the streeet. Tadashii walks down the street and the wolf follows. He jumps up, Grabbing the lip of a roof, Kicking off the wall, And flipping over his hand to land on the roof. The wolf runs up a wall in the alleyway facing the building and jumps off of it, Landing on the roof, And still following tadashii.

He begins to run, Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, And still the wolf follows him, Seemingly not even running, But it looks as if the wolf is merely walking. Tadashii begins to run as fast as he can, At a pace beyond many shinigami, And yet the wolf still keeps up. At this pace they reach the zaraki district in no time, And he makes his delivery. He walks home on the street, With the wolf walking next to him. He's to tired to run anymore, But he suspects the wolf could keep on going if it had to.

A huge man stops them, His hair long, A huge blade on his back, Along with a little pink haired girl. All in all it was an odd sight. "Nice wolf you have...Let's fight." Is all the man says. Tadashii steps backwards, Holding his hands up. "I-Its not my wolf! It's just been following me!" But the man ignores him and charges. Tadashii manages to dodge to the right but the man is so fast... Thankfully his boss makes him carry a Otachi around, Which he quickly draws, Blocking the next hit from the from the man. He'd never even seen him draw his sword, One minute it was sheathed, The next minute it was out. He is blocking blows, His wrists being jarred by everyone of the powerful assaults. He falls, Is about to be cut, When the wolf tackles the man, Sending him sprawling. The wolf stands next to Tadashii, It's hackles raised, It's teeth bared. The man comes at it, But the wolf is already gone. While the wolf is distracting him tadashii jumps on the mans back, Putting his blade at his throat. The man sighs. "Finish it." Tadashii just sits there for a minute before hopping of the man's back, Leaving him with a cut on his neck no worse then if he had slipped shaving. "No...I will not kill you, I have no reason to." Tadashii then walks away. Unbeknownst to him, He is one of the few who survived a fight with Kenpachi Zaraki, The swordmaster of the zaraki district.

He goes home. He has decided by now that the wolf is friend not foe, By the fact that the wolf saved his life...

His life passes quickly, He seems to speed up now that the wolf is with him, But he attributes this to racing with the beast, Giving him something to aspire to. He becomes known around his area as "Ookami", The wolf, Because the large lupine is always with him, No matter what. He begins to figure out how the wolf communicates, Some of it's body language..Some growls...One day he realizes he's never actually touched the wolf, And he decides to try and pet it..The moment his hand makes contact with the wolf he feels itching all over his body, Bones moving, Muscles growing. He goes to a mirror, Scratching himself, His fingers feeling fur.. He looks in the mirror and he is a Wolfman. He locks himself in his room that night and for the next couple of days, Until it fades on its own...He looks at the wolf and touches it again, But jerks his hand away this time. Fur had begun to grow on his fingers but it fades quickly. Over the next couple of months he learns how to control these powers, To the point where he can touch the wolf without turning into one, And to the point where he can merely take on certain qualities..Better vision..Better smell... More speed. He is persuaded by his boss to enter the shinigami academy and he does such.

Time in the academy
He progressed through the ranks of the academy quickly, And the wolf accompanied him here too. He was the only boy with such a wolf, And he told noone of his powers.. He was worried he'd be taken off for experimentation or something. He had a single friend in this Academy, Shinzui Debiru, who would play an important part in his life. He was the only person who knew of Mikazuki's powers.

He excelled most in Kidou and Zanjutsu classes, Making him a very formidable opponent as he is a master at all aspects of being a shinigami.

The Gotei thirteen
He was placed in the seventh division, And quickly became a ranked member of it. He and his wolf were one of the better assests of the division, Tadashii having a great strategic mind, Mikazuki Demanding respect on his behalf. He grew quickly through the ranks, Becoming third seat under Sajin Komamura. He attained the rank of captain after Both Sajin Komamura and Tetsuzaemon Iba were killed during an arrancar assualt upon soul society.

He grew in power as a captain quickly, Training night and day to achieve his bankai so he had the right to the spot in which he'd been placed, And pretty soon Adauchi No fuyu touketsu Kiba revealed her Bankai to him. He finnally had the right to his spot, And all was well with the world for a small time.

Shinzui Debiru had risen to the rank of captain as well, Taicho of the sixth division to be precise. They often worked together, Being friends, Brothers practically. However Tadashii knew his secret as well. He was ill, And was set to die. IT could happen at any time...And happen it did.

Decades later the Arrancar attacked again, And Tadashii and Shinzui Debiru ended up facing against the Primera, Who had already killed the Sotaicho of the Gotei thirteen. They fought valiently, But then...Shinzui's illness overtook him, And coughed up blood. Instead of dodging, The Primera's sword was rammed through his chest, Killing him instantly. Tadashii went into a rage, Entering his bankai and attacking the primera with an animalistic fury. His brother was dead...He hadn't even gotten to say goodbye. This bastard will die... His sword, millions of shards in it's shikai form, Impaled him from all directions, Killing him the matter of Byakuya Kuchiki's Gokei.

The primera was dead..Killed by a mere captain. Tadashii kneeled beside his brother and wept, wept at his lost. This was the first and last time that Tadashii wept, That sadness broke down his mental strength, that he felt...Hopeless.

He got the hell over himself eventually, And picked himself up. He shut Shinzui Debiru's eyes, And as a final momento of him he took Shinzui's Zanpakuto, Pyuadoku. Something happened then. The sword connected with Tadashii Kaemasu...He became it's new owner.

Shortly after he was promoted to the Rank of Sotaicho by the remaining members of the Central 46, And he immeadiently started to stablize the Gotei Thirteen, Which was little more then a bunch of chicken's with their heads cut off. He brought order back to the Goteijūsantai slowly but surely, until it was rebuilt.

Centuries later the Espada attacked again...And for the first time in a long time Tadashii was fighting again. By now he had mastered using both zanpakuto at once, Adauchi no fuyu touketsu kiba meshing perfectly with Pyuadoku. But in this fight something happened. First it was only against the Primera..Then the Segunda and Tercera joined... Tadashii was overpowered. He managed to kill the Tercera and Segunda but he was weak and the Primera was about to win. But then something happened. Pyuadoku and Adauchi no fuyu touketsu kiba...They merged. They joined together into a brand new zanpakuto, Kouki no Fuyu. The winter's memory.

This new zanpakuto was amazingly powerful...He managed to dispatch the primera, With only it's shikai. However it's spirit teased him, and it took him a while to unleash it's bankai as well.

Teh list of extra powers~

He of course has the power to absorb certain traits of his wolf. He has become proficient enough with this skill to absorb from any animal, And selectivly choose certain traits. This is a great boon to him in battle, Because it allows him to augment his strength, speed, reflexes, all by laying a hand on a nearby animal. He is also proficient enough with this to turn fully into a wolf. As a wolf he looks just like Mikazuki. Just bigger and more male.

Because of his time spent as a wolf certain traits have become ingrained in him, Meaning he has permanently better senses and reflexes, His ears are slightly pointed (Very slightly) with slightly hairy tips (Again, Very slightly), And his canines are slightly over-pronounced. He also has a permanent five o' clock shadow, But whether this is hygiene negligence or a side effect is unknown. It could be both.

Also because of his time spent at a wolf he is extremely proficient at communicating to animals via body language and gutteral noises and Etc, Allowing him to communicate with most animals.

As for Mikazuki, He has learned how to Telapathically communicate with her, Similar to His sword spirit.

The newest skill he has learned is that he can actually give mikazuki some of his traits, Turning her partially human. (Thankfully, She turns into a female....That would be one F-ed up wolf if he could turn her into a guy) This is what she looks like.

Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai E3ea7971
((Again. All life hates me.))

As she is not wearing any clothes she is naked when she initally transforms...This is why tadashii has taken to carrying around a spare set of shinigami robes for her.

Last edited by Tadashii Kaemasu on Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai   Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 11:03 am

Rp Sample:

Aristotle sighs. He's so fricken bored... He shifts slightly, Waking up a few muscles that the gargoyles sharp corners had sent to sleep. He looks down. He's probably about 100 feet off the ground. Some japanese person apparently really liked gargoyles, Cause this building has four..Aristotle is currently sitting on the one facing southwest. In the distance he can see the hell zone. Dispicable place, Aristotle has gone in there a few times to train his own powers...And with that though he feels something leave the hell zone. He's taken it upon himself to make sure nothing leaves that hellish place.. He jumps.

He falls for a good four seconds, His trench coat flapping around his elbows, Before his wings snap open, Sliding through slits in his shirt and in his trench coat, Expanding to their full width of sixteen feet, A Huge wing span. Anyone below him would see his wings silhouetted against the full moon, Would assume he's merely an illusion..Or a bird that's closer than it appears somehow, That must be it. No beast could have such huge wings, Certainly not a human, And such a wide tail, Which is in reality Aristotle's trench coat, Staying afloat on friction with the air. With a flap of his wings he begins to fly.

He's always loved flying..The liberating feeling, The wind rushing through his feathers. A few downy ones are freed from his hair by the rushing wind, He keeps his hair pretty plucked but there are always a few downy feathers in there. The cold air wakes him up, His alertness rising. He breathes the thin air easily, His lungs have adapted over the years, He's always thought them to be more efficent than most humans...Probably because of all the thin air he breathes. That's probably why he's so God damn crazy, He thinks with a spurt of humor.

He flies quickly, Not flapping as much as glides, Keeping afloat on thermals from the city, Hot air rising from buildings cooling off now that it's night. This way he makes it the several miles in only a few minutes. Anyone on the ground who his shadow passed over would probably not even be aware of it, It would be fleeting enough to be hidden by a blink.

He sets down lightly at the edge of the hell zone, His wings folding back into hiding. The hollow is somewhere around here...He closes his eyes briefly, And then they snap open again. The bastard is behind him. Ari spins around quickly, And sees the offending hollow, A large lizard shaped one, however it is qutie weak, Probably not even a menos. A large horn is formed on his mask, Going back from it's thin head. It opens it mouth and roars at Aristotle, The second row of teeth, on the inside gleaming in the blackness.

Aristotle doesn't hesistate, A large fireball forming above him and launching itself into the beast mouth. Part of it was solid, And rather sharp, Cutting into it, The mask cracking slightly from the sheer force, As not all of the crystal went into the beasts mouth. It closes it's mouth to try and prevent it from getting in, But that was a mistake. A shard of the mask crumbles away, Revealing the beasts eye. Aristotle ignores this. He can't afford to think of these beasts as humans...He would hesititate, Stop, Pray for their soul even. And while he's praying they would attack.

With ruthlessness he reappears behind the beast, Fire blazing around both of his arms, His trench coats sleeves mysteriously not being burned, As the fire turns into two huge spikes of crystal. He stabs these straight through the back of the beasts head, Going all the way through, And breaking the mask off. Although this would turn a menos into an arrancar, It turns this weak hollow into a dead soul, The entire body of it turning into spirit particles, Dissapating into the air. Aristotle alights onto the ground softly. Because of the way the menos turned his head, His back is now to the hell zone..And this is a mistake.

With a growl an adjuchas slams into his body, A claw or something penetrating through his trench coat, Cutting slightly into his shoulder. He is barely able to Fire flash away before it would have been a little serious. A flame burns over his shoulder, Healing the wound slowly, Stopping the bleeding immediately.

"Fucking..Bastard. You used that Hollow to get me off my guard.."

The adjuchas shifts. Now that Aristotle can see it clearly, It might even be related to that fucking hollow. It's body is lizard like, It's hollow mask seems to cover it's entire body, Scales on every part of it. Three horns are on it's long head, One on the top, And two on each of the lower sides, All facing straight back, And all parallel. It's eyes are both red, With flame designs over them, Spiraling up to meet and go straight up the middle horn. It's hands have long claws, And besides that two small spikes, About a foot beyond the middle finger, Coming out of it's wrists. Aristotle's blood drips from the tip of one of those spikes, That is what cut him. The beasts tail has a large mace like appendage on the end of it, The size of a small watermelon, Or a human head. It's blood red eyes focus on Aristotle.

I...I am Sliuthard. And i have come to free my master...

Not even given Aristotle time to consider the meaning of these words he charges, Stabbing at Aristotle with the spike. Expecting it this time he is much faster, Stepping to the side and twisting his body. Fire forming around his arm, Hardening into tens of spikes protruding forward. He punches the beast, The spikes stabbing into it, Breaking through it's scales, Piercing it's flesh.

The beast is not even phased. It's keeps moving, The spikes breaking off inside of it, The scales healing over quickly.... IT turns around mid step, Jumping up, Spinning in the air, The mace headed for Aristotle's head. He bends over backwards, Thanking his stars for flexibility. The beast lands, And keeps up it's relentless attack.

Aristotle, After desperatly bringing up pieces of fire crystal to block each attack, Each piece only good for one, Too brittle in his unreleased form to do any good. He Fire flashes away again, Unfurling his wings mid flash, Appearing in the sky, Fifty feet in the air, His wings unfurled, Flapping slowly.

...You've pissed me off now.

Aristotle's entire demeanor changes, As he shirks off the coat. It falls to the ground slowly, And fire begins to burn on his entire body. His shirt is soon gone, But his jeans remain. His eyes turn yellow, His pupils becoming black and slit like. Soon changes wrack his entire body. A tail stabs through his jeans, Bare and pink, A bone spike on the end of it, Slithering out to four feet of length. His wings, His forearms, His lower legs and feet, They all seem to blaze in black fire, And as it ebbs and subsides they change. His wings are now pitch black, One in every six feathers however is a deep dark red, Contrasting slightly with the other feathers. On his forearms feathers grow rapidly, His entire arm up to his elbows becoming covered in feathers, All black, But then twelve grow around his wrists, Each one as long as his forearm, Each one a dark red. Three very short curved ones grow against his elbow, The end one resting on bare skin. Claws grow out of his fingers, each one two inches long, Each one super sharp.

On his legs the deal is repeated in a way. Black feathers stab through his jeans the entire way up, And a long red feathers stabs through his jeans at the knee, Going straight down to his feet, Stopping at half knee, The feahter is dark red, A stark contrast against the dark blue of the denim fabric the jeans is made from. His shoes have already melted, Forming puddles of steaming liqiud on the ground. His feet bulge slightly, The skin turning craggy and yellow, Becoming like the skin of a bird's talon. His nails turn into talons, However most barely go past the flesh, Except for the big toe. A large three inch long talon arcs from his toe.

Feathers grow rapidly on his four foot long tail, In the same distribution as on his wings, One red feather to every six black ones. A sort of mane of feathers forms at the place where the bone spike emerges, It is by now tipped by a short inch long blade, Making up a quarter of the four inch long bone weapon.

Feathers grow from his head, a huge long plumage forming, Almost like a native american headdress, Every single feather emerging from his scalp. A single red one shoots above the black plumage reaching halfway down his black, Almost like a crest.

As a final piece of this transformation two small horns emerge from this plumage, Curving upwards, However they are small, Not much use as weapons.

His movements are much quicker now as Fire flashes all around the beast, The blade feathers on his arms slashing at him, Cutting into his scales, A Flurry of movement. The beast is disoriented by this, And just flails around, Trying to hit aristotle, Who is always gone before his fists get there. All twelve feathers shoot up and he slams his fist into the beasts back, The twelve feathers penetrating the scales. Fire crystal grows from the feathers, Splintering through the beasts body before aristotle pulls away...Too slowly.

The beasts arm whips around, The spike, Which apparently has a bladed tip, Slashes through ari's shoulder, Amputating his entire left arm. Aristotle Gasps, Before fire flashing Away. His eyes turn red, Fire burns around his wings, And he has to stop himself from entering his second release.

You...Fucking...Cocksucker.....You're dead now.

Sliuthard will free his master...

Fire burns around his stump, stopping the bleeding for now.

My patience...Is at an end.

Ari raises his good hand, And fire begins to burn wildly between him and the beast as it charges at him. He closes his hand with force, And the entire fire storm turns to crystal, Millions of crystal piercing the beast from all angles, Skewering his body from every angle, Ripping the very flesh apart. Not even this beasts rapid healing ability could stop or prevent this, And Aristotle's certainty of this is proven as the beasts spiritual pressure evaporates, It is dead..Aristotle falls to the ground, Landing on his right side. He drags himself over to a wall and leans against it. He finnaly looks at the bloody stump, And then gasps slightly. It is gruesome. Apparently it wasn't cut through...But ripped straight through, The blunt force so great that it went straight through a bone. He can see small splinters of what use the be his fibula piercing out of the flesh. He averts his eyes as fire burns around it...It will take a while for this arm to be grown.
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Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai   Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 2:11 pm

Kouki no Fuyu | Winter's memory

Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai E675030d80076d3b70a938345816e26b
Kouki no Fuyu is a beautiful woman, Her skin and robes blue as shown in the picture. She is permanently icy to the touch, and is much stronger then she appears.

Zanpakuto’s personality
She is different then Tadashii's previous Spirit. Kouki no Fuyu is much more playful..Even teasing Tadashii in perverted ways. She is quite more like fire then ice. She angers easily, and her anger dies down fast. Her opinions on subjects flickers, And she will sometimes interject her thoughts straight into Tadashii's own, Which irks him to no end. When mad she will often drop the temperature in the immediate area, even causing it to snow.

Inner world
The inner world is a giant ice plain, No features except dunes of snow piled ontop of the ice. It is sometimes snowing, Sometimes not. Mikazuki, oddly enough, Is usually here as well.


Release command
Koorimasu! | Freeze! [Shikai]
Torimasu anata no adauchi, kogoemasu anato no teki! | Take your vengence, freeze your enemy! [Bankai]


Sealed Zanpakuto
A large Nodachi, On Tadashii's back. The blade has a slight blue sheen to it, And the hilt seems to be made out of ice, Crystalized into an extremely intricate snowflake. The handle is wrapped with a light teal cloth.

Innate ability
Kouki no Fuyu is so powerful that it has an ability even outside of it's shikai. He can control the weather, Causing it to become cold or rain or snow even. This becomes more powerful in shikai and Bankai, As listed below.

There are several ways that this drop in temperature could be used, including dropping the temperature of his blade to incredibly sub zero in a second, Causing Fog to burst forth from it, OR using this sub zero blade to freeze as he cuts. There are various other ways which i don't wish to list in full, which would include causing wind by manipulating temperatures in the air precisely.

In shikai his innate ability will spiral partially out of control, and effects will happen that he has little control over. The sky will grow overcast with clouds that are persistant against even the strongest winds, and it will begin to snow. As he fights the snow will get thicker, until it's a moderate sized storm by post ten in his shikai and it begins to hail, just small hail, the size of jelly beans, nothing too painful. The hail will avoid his person, or if it hits it will merely splash against his body, the ice behaving as a liquid, Doing no damage to him. After post twelve they will swell, to the size of ping pong balls. By post 15, tennis balls. By post 18..Soft balls. Naturally, Being hit with a soft ball sized piece of hail is rather painful.

Now a strange aspect of this is that not only is the hail laced with his reiatsu, But the snow is as well. This means that the entire battlefield that is encompassed by the storm (Roughly half a mile to three quarters of a mile out from Tadashii, Giving a total diameter of a mile to a mile and a half with Tadashii at the center.), And that the entire battlefield is saturated with small amounts of Tadashii's reiatsu. This makes keeping up with him by pure Reiatsu sensing much harder then usual.

In bankai the snow storm will spiral even further out of control, Turning into a full fledged blizzard. In will be a near total white out from the moment he releases, Snow falling drastically, Visibility reduced to near zero. The Sheer amount of Reiatsu in the snow makes it next to impossible to locate Tadashii by tracking his reiatsu.

The hail also gets stronger. If he has been in his shikai for fifteen posts when he releases his bankai it will already by soft ball sized hail. If he's been in his shikai+Bankai for eighteen posts...Hail the size of bowling balls falls. At 21, Hail the size of small dogs will fall. At 25, Hail the size of porta-poddys...And at thirty...God help them, At Thirty, Hummer sized masses of ice rain down from the sky. If Tadashii is ever in a fight for 50 posts, Then it will get really crazy. Massive shards of ice the size of tanker trucks will fall from sky.

Tadashii can repress the effects of innate ability in shikai and bankai, Thanks to lots of practice, However it does take a little concentration.

Shikai Form
In it's Shikai form Kouki no Fuyu initially takes the form of merely a blade of ice, with spikes shooting downward just above his hand, forming a hilt and handguard. However this is not the set form.

Shikai Ability
Tadashii's two shikai abilities are both drastically powerful and simple.

His first is complete and total control of ice. This is why his shikai form is not set. He could evaporate his blade entirely, Manipulate it into another shape, Cause a second to form out of nowhere. This includes other people's ice, Unless of course they matched him in Reiatsu.

His second power is an immunity to ice, and in an interesting way. When ice or snow strikes him, Instead of dealing damage it actually liquefies temporarily, For as long as contact is maintained with his skin. This means it will simply flow around his body rather then cut into it.

Thanks to the icy nature of his sword he has a natural near immunity to cold temperatures, meaning the ice cold temperature of the water wouldn't harm him either.

Bankai Form
There is no change really from the Shikai. However because of the extremely concentrated form of Tadashii's bankai it gives him an extremely large physical and spiritual boost, much in the same way as Ichigo.

Bankai Ability
The ability is also the same, Except an extreme deal stronger.


Ekitai Koori[Liquid/Fluid ice](Shikai, Bankai)
This is a very strange technique of Tadashii's. It produces a wave of ice from the blade roughly the same size as Ichigo's Getshugo Tensho. However it has a very strange property. Upon impact the leading edge will cut into you, But only with the force of a standard slash.

The real effect of this is that the ice will actually then flow over you, Crashing into your body with a mild amount of blunt force. The ice will then actually leave a deposit of ice on you, Almost an inch thick. This will add an immense amount of weight to you, And make it hard to move unless you have enough strength to crack the ice or enough heat to cause it to melt. The ice will also have slightly bonded with the water in skin, Meaning that if you rip it straight off your skin may come with it. Which suffice to say would be extremely painful. An odd little side effect of this is that the ice actually acts as a mild armor.

The wave will continue on, Possibly hitting another person behind the first. It will continue on for at most 200 yards.

One of the stranger aspects of this liquid ice is that it is an exception to Tadashii's control over ice. It is apparently different somehow, Even when it solidifies around a person, Meaning that he cannot control the ice deposit left on the person.

This attack can be used several times a post, between 2-3.

Shimo Tsukigata[Frost Crescent](Shikai, Bankai)
This attack is similar to Ekitai Koori, However where Ekitai Koori is designed to impede an enemies progress, Shimo tsukigata is designed to cause damage.

Shimo Tsukigata is a burst of energy in the shape of a crescent. It's large in size, Nearly 6 foot long when launched in shikai, And about two inches thick at the most. The reiatsu is a icy blue, and when fired small snow flakes trail behind it in a wake, water vapor frozen out of the air. It does not need a blade to be launched, Tadashii can fire it from his palm or any other part of his body if neccesary, However the large amount of Reiatsu may actually cause him damage if he does this, In an injury similar to a burn.

Upon impact the Attack behaves much like getshuga tensho.

In bankai the attack becomes massive, Nearly eleven feet long and a foot thick. Ice shards that can actually cut people (Though only paper cuts really) are formed behind it in large quantities, Like the wake of a boat moving through water. Upon impact this will behave much more like a cero, Hitting for a split second before it explodes, in a blast of Reiatsu cold enough to cause ice to solidify out of the water moisture present in the air.

This attack can be used twice a post.

Keimusho no koori[Prison of Ice/Frozen Prison](Shikai,Bankai)
An extremely large technique, This is also an extremely dangerous one. By concentrating his reiatsu and the ice storm in bankai he can literally solidify a massive prison of ice, 1000 rooms in a massive block, Each one 8 feet by 8 feet. Anything bigger than 8 feet by 8 feet will be sliced in half or possibly just trapped between the walls, With are two foot thick each.

These walls are Nigh unbreakable, However melting with high temperature fire would be possibly. Also, Repeated blunt force could break them. (In other words, Keep beating on the walls like your life depends on it. Because it probably does.)

The temperature in the prison would drop below Sub zero, Causing the effects of hypo thermia as such

Stage 1 (2-3 posts in prison for normal people, Possibly longer or not at all for people with a good reason, Such as fire users.)
Body temperature drops by 1–2 °C (1.8–3.6 °F) below normal temperature (down to 35–37 °C). Mild to strong shivering occurs. The victim is unable to perform complex tasks with the hands; the hands become numb. Blood vessels in the outer extremities constrict, lessening heat loss to the outside air. Breathing becomes quick and shallow. Goose bumps form, raising body hair on end in an attempt to create an insulating layer of air around the body (which is of limited use in humans due to lack of sufficient hair, but useful in other species). Victim may feel sick to their stomach, and very tired. Often, a person will experience a warm sensation, as if they have recovered, but they are in fact heading into Stage 2. Another test to see if the person is entering stage 2 is if they are unable to touch their thumb with their little finger; this is the first stage of muscles not working. They might start to have trouble seeing.

Stage 2 (4-5 posts after being in the prison, Or read as above.)
Body temperature drops by 2–4 °C (3.8–7.6 °F) below normal temperature (33–35 °C or 91–94.8 °F). Shivering becomes more violent. Muscle mis-coordination becomes apparent. Movements are slow and labored, accompanied by a stumbling pace and mild confusion, although the victim may appear alert. Surface blood vessels contract further as the body focuses its remaining resources on keeping the vital organs warm. The victim becomes pale. Lips, ears, fingers and toes may become blue.

Stage 3 (7-9 posts in, Or read the note in stage one.)
Body temperature drops below approximately 32 °C. Shivering usually stops. Difficulty speaking, sluggish thinking, and amnesia start to appear; inability to use hands and stumbling is also usually present. Cellular metabolic processes shut down. Below 30 °C, the exposed skin becomes blue and puffy, muscle coordination becomes very poor, walking becomes almost impossible, and the victim exhibits incoherent/irrational behavior including terminal burrowing or even a stupor. Pulse and respiration rates decrease significantly, but fast heart rates (ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation) can occur. Major organs fail. Clinical death occurs. Because of decreased cellular activity in stage 3 hypothermia, the body will actually take longer to undergo brain death.

He can freely move from one room to the next, and so can his allies. However his allies will suffer effects from the hypothermia, whereas he will not.

After fifteen posts the Ice prison will dissintigrate into infinite snow flakes, That melt away, Which might cause it to be raining for a post or two, Depending on wind level and other such various factors.

Duration:15 posts, Even after death of Tadashii.
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Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai   Tadashii Kaemasu, Sotaicho of the Goteijūsantai Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 1:30 pm

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