Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Position Battle Rules

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Position Battle Rules Empty
PostSubject: Position Battle Rules   Position Battle Rules Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 4:09 am

1. Each fighter has 2 days/48 hours to post, if the challenged or challenger doesn't post in that time, the one who had posted recently is crowned the victor.

2. Deaths do not count, these battles won't effect your character in any way besides gaining a new position.

3. The arena is chosen by the one of which is challenging, in other words, the challenger can do as they wish when describing the area.

4. Don't be afraid to call in a staff member if a rule is broken.

5. Treat this as a regular battle, fighting rules are applied.

6. If you wish to be the victor, you must completely annihilate your opponent.

7. You may only challenge a person once per week.

8. Upon gaining a rank, you have a week of protection until you are able to be challenged.
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