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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Shadow vs. Smoke

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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 12:00 pm

The Segunda was at the battle arena which resided in Hueco Mundo . It wasn't built until recently , Hiruma found it a great addition to Las Noches . The place had always been plain and boring . He felt the wind breeze , playing with his dreaded hair . He loved the sensation . But right now he had to focus on other things , such as crushing the Primera . He had nothing against the man , but he had to climb up the ladder . He had to show him that pure talent beats hard work . He showed off a toothy grin as he thought of ways to obliterate his 'senpai' . He wasn't fond of respecting others , he never was the one to kiss ass . He was more of the delinquent type , to be the one whos ass gets kissed . And he was going to make the Primera kneel before him , he liked that idea . Complete humiliation . Hiruma sighed as time flew by , the man had still not come , not that he cared tho . It would be easier to obtain the Primera rank without fighting , but then he wouldn't get the pleasure to grind his opponent into dust . So he decided if the man didn't come to him , he would go to Smokey . Hiruma spat on the ground and crouched . He reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket , he flipped it open and took one from it . He started looking for his lighter , but he didn't find one . That caused him to crush the pack of cigarettes in his hand . Fuck . He mumbled to himself . He sat down and supported himself on the wall . Hiruma started to drift off and so he confidently asleep .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2009 5:25 am

Smokey had got the letter from Shieru to go to the newly discovered battle arena, with that much knowledge he moved from The White Desert to the battle are in Hueco Mundo. As he walked to that building called battle arena it took a while before he really got to the arena. Primera saw old walls covered with something green that looked like un-earthy and posts that had collapsed under their own weight and some that were in the corner like some terrible force had pushed them there. Somkey smiled cleaverly as seeing all that. He put his hands to the pockets and walked through the gate that possibly signed the start of Arena.
He stopped after some steps from the gate and looked around him to get a clear picture of what was around him, but that was quickly stopped by some ones snoring from left. For a second he was suprised but when he looked who it was he laughed a little and thought whats he doing here, and why is he even sleeping here?
Hi Segunda, it was Hiruma right? What ya doing here? as saying that he hoped that Hiruma would wake up.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2009 7:30 am

When the Primera spoke to him , Hiruma's first reaction was blasting a n extremely powerful bala at him . Under further investigation he noticed Smokey there . He flashed his toothy grin once again and stood up . So you decided to come , trash . I was already worried that you might skip our little fight . And don't act dumb , you know today is the day when I finally crush you . With that Hiruma disappeared into the shadows . He sat at his realm watching over the other Espada .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 6:35 am

Primera gave out a little smile Trash? now that was a bit hars... as he saw Seguna enter his shadow realm he sonidoed to the place where the sun lighted a are of 25x25m and drawd both of his katanas with speed that created a little wind like vortex that was gone in seconds. So, why wont you come out and fight for real! he yelled, and you could hear an echo after he yelled those words.
The katana he was wielding in his left arm he grabbed by the chain and started to twirl his blade.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 6:45 am

Hiruma grinned at the other mans words . To break a mans will , break his spirit , you have to break his mind . He was going to drive the other man mad from fear . He would inflict pain so bad that the Primera can't take it . Hiruma shivered at the thought , in a good way . He saw the man drawing his katanas . Everything is going as planned .

[Sorry , short]
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 7:03 am

As seeing that hes words had no effect at all over Hiruma he stopped twirling his katana and showed a little disappointment in his face and he started to feel like killing him. His right katana was over his houlders and other was just in left hand at the side. Come on... is it going to be some kinda of mental battle... hes thoughts were like he wants to say them out loud i hoped for fun battle, for some action at least.... He looked at the sky and then he looked behind him in to the shadows.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 2:16 pm

Hiruma wanted to play a little longer but unfortunately , he had to end this quickly . He emerged from the shadow behind Smokey . Hiruma drew his broadsword and grinned . Time to crush you , trash. He launched himself at the other espada . On his way he lifted up his sword and brought it down with bone crushing force as he sonidod in front of Smokey . Once he slashed he jumpet a few meters backwards , eyeing the Primera .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 4:35 am

Smokey's face had no emotions until he saw as the blade came down in his direction, but the katana in his left hand was just left there for that occasion so he blocked that attack as quickly as Hiruma attacked but he still got pushed back few feet and hes jacket got a cut in it. When he stopped sliding back he left his left side in direction of Hiruma.
He looked at Hiurma with that emotionless look and he didnt have to say anything because hes actions and his look talked for himself. For second Primera started to say something to Hiruma, but he didn't think it had any effect on him so he kept his mouth shut and slashed the air very demonstratevly with his katana at the right hand and taking a stance called Devils Peak and he closed his eyes for quarter of second. Then he opened his eyes and for a second he left out some dark red reishi and sonidod to Hiruma and let him feel a combo of two devil swords.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:25 am

Hiruma grinned , he saw the other as a formidable opponent . The Primera truly was worthy . Hiruma raised his Broadsword and brought it down with amazing force , creating an explosion around them . Devoure los Bichos , Rey de las Sombras ! After the sand and dust cleared , Hiruma was shown in his released form . He looked demonic , with his black eyes with red pupils . He pointed one fingered claw at the other man and grinned . You truly are worthy of my first release , but I promise you , you won't see my Segunda Etapa. Hiruma disappeared as his speed had gotten even better than before , he reappeared beind the Primera , ready to pierce his abdomen with his clawed hand .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:44 am

Smokey got dust into his eye because of that explosion Segunda caused with his boradsword. Ill take that as compliment, after he had sayd that he got a flesh wound in his back, he was saved because of his innate ability and good reflexes, but of course it was obvious he wouldn't stand a chance against Segundas realeased state in sealed state.
Blood tripped from his wound as he stood there watching Hiruma. He took his strength and stood straightly and brought both his katanas together and sayd Espectáculo usted es el diablo verdadero mí Humo. At firsth smoke came every where and when it went away Primera was standing there in completely white, exept for his new black katana. His res gave him all kind of boosts, he sonidod to Segunda - speed way faster than in his sealed state - and slashed at Hiruma. That attack was easily dodged but after he dodged that attack Smokey was in perfect stance and position to pirce him with the spikes that came out of the back of his katana.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:59 am

He stared at the blood . Oh the precious blood , he brought his now bloody hand to his mouth and licked the blood off it . You taste good , I want more of your blood . And so began his rampage , the incoming attack , he grabbed the blade and twisted it so Smokey would have to release it . He sent a kick to Smokey's ribcage and laughed maniacally , his dasrker side started to kick in . He wasn't Hiruma anymore , this was a demon , a demon that craves for blood and death . He craves for the metallic taste of blood and will do anything to get it . He sonidod further away and cackled . He wasn't going to go easy on him , he was going to kill him , grind him into dust , make him perish and then classily dring his blood . He shivered at the thought , his blood red eyes sparkled in the daylight .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 6:16 am

Smokey saw that Segunda had snapped and when he got hit he barely got a some smoke between his ribs and Hirumas leg, so he got min. damage. He landed a meter away from his blade, because his blade luckily flew the same direction he did. You want my blood? Come and get it! as he had sayd that he grabbed his blade with such force that the ground it was in broke and big parts of ground flew in every direction.
You've finally made me serious, now pay the price! as he had sayd that he realeased some reishi that turned into smoke and made a 25 smoke clouds, Fume a animales domésticos de diablo! Those clouds all turned into wolfs and scattered around Hiruma, wolfs prepared to attack and showed their fangs.
From between the wolfs Smokey sonidod behind Hiruma and slashed at him and at the same time wolves attacked from every direction. Smokey who was behind Segunda sonidod away after shlashing at Hiruma so wolfs would get every direction to attack.

Smokey gave out a laugh, it wasnt becuase he was feeling like the enemy is scum or like that, that laugh was because he hadnt had this much fun for ages and the enemy was just perfect for Smokey to fight with.
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 6:24 am

He grinned as he saw the wolves , it wasn't going to work on him . Golpee de arriba, el Gobernante de los Cielos ! With that everything surrounding them exploded , the wolves got incinerated by the strong reiatsu . When it cleared , there wasn't no battle arena left , just the huge crater . Hiruma was standing there , looking at the ground. With a snap he raised his head and stared into Smokey's eyes with a crooked smile on his face . You made me use Segunda Etapa , I congratulate you . But now , you won't be alive for long . He clapped his hands and laughed . Hiruma sprout his demonic wings and got into the air . He soared the skies like a true angel , although he looked like a demon . He was sarcastic and cruel as the Lucifer himself . Hiruma took a deep breath and then screamed , sending the ultra waves to Smokey . If he gets hit , he will be in trouble . The demonic Espada grinned wickedly . This was too easy .
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 6:38 am

Primera felt the ultra waves that Hiruma sent at him, he did also know that he couldnt escape in time, so he went berserk - wiping away Hirumas ultra waves with his reishi and grinned I made you eat you're words. Never make promises you cant make.
Primera was no longer standing on the ground he was now higher than Hiruma was, he took his blade and slided his hand over it so it was completely covered with smoke and slashed at Hiruma from long distance so the smoke came at him as a wind slash that would cut into half any other espada and he made his fastest sonido at Hiruma - he went with this kind of force and speed that trail of smoke was left behind and thanks to the smoke that came from his blade gave him an extra boost in damage it would make if this attack would actually connect.
When he got to the Hiruma the smoke followed him and everything around them was covered with smoke. Did the attack connect?
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 6:42 am

Hiruma yawned as he deflected the slashes with his hand . He was the strongest now that he had gone Segunda Etapa . He was unstoppable . Hiruma sonidod away from the smoke and ended up 20 meters behind Smokey . He charged a cero that could devour half of the Las Noches . Once it was completely charged he fired it at Smokey . He turned his back and started walking away , staying in his Segunda Etapa just in case the other wasn't finished .

[Sorry , short]
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Shadow vs. Smoke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 6:58 am

Since Smokey could see through smoke easily he noticed that Hiruma wasn't enywhere near him enyomre and when he tured around he saw that he had already charged his cero and starts to blast it in Smokeys way. He sonidod in the direction of sky as fast as he could to get away from Hirumas devastating blast. But still that wasnt enough. He got burning wounds all over his body and it was too much for his body to take and he collapsed in matter of seconds. Shi...
Battle was over...
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PostSubject: Re: Shadow vs. Smoke   Shadow vs. Smoke Icon_minitime

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