Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!

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Quinta Espada

Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-11-05

Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Empty
PostSubject: Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!   Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 7:08 am

Shieru Appeared on a slightly empty area of The white desert,the sensless warm wind blew through his hair and moved a little bit of his white kimono he was wearing.
He stared at the long and hasty desert like waiting for someone to arrive to the horizon,he waited for few minutes when finally someone stood from the small mountains.
Finally,it was gettin boring already!with those final words he walked away a little bit and drew his zanpaktou,Drown Them With Your Might,Steal Their Lives with your Evil,Caballero de Tiburón de Aguaa explosion flooded the place with sand and the place where Shieru was standing was like a crater,he jumped in the air and swinged his sword at the ground creating a huge cut on the sand,Pequeña Ganancia de Aguaand A some amount of water flew out from shierus blade.He Moved all the water in the hole and covered it with sand.The water moved and the area covered with water grew with minutes and when fusing with the sand it created massiv amounts of quicksand.
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Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!   Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 8:23 am

The Segunda appeared thrugh a nearby shadow , he hadn't gotten any action since he was promoted espada . He sensed a familiar Reishi nearby and saw Shieru . He grinned and started to walk towards the battlefield . He tapped the hilt of his zanpakutou . Leader-sama , mind leaving me some Shinigami bastards aswell . You know that I haven't gotten any action . Although he didn't wait for an answer , he wiped the grin from his face and turned into his 'serious' mode . In a blink of an eye he took out the captain level shinigami , ripping his throat out . He brought his bloody hand to his lips and licked the blood off . Damn , this blood tastes like ass . I've never gotten blood this shitty before . He saw a shinigami cower in fear in front of a large boulder , his grin returned full force . He sonidod in front of the Shinigami and punched him into his face , he chuckled when he heard a crack . The shinigamis jaw had snapped . The boulder behind the shinigami ofcourse shattered into dust . He did not care about this , he simply slung the shinigamis unconcious body over his shoulder and started walking away . You can take care of the rest . I'm done here . With that said he started to move back to Las Noches , he had accomplished his mission and aquired a hostage . He was going to have fun torturing the bastard tonight .
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Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!   Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 11:29 am

Primera was walking in forest that was next to The White Desert and was in his thoughts So , that puny mission they gave me... should i do it or not? and suddenly he felt two strong reishi near by and it was coming from The White Desert, as he got closer he realised that they were familiar reishis and he shunpod next to Shieru
My mission , they are doing my mission... oh well i would have not done it enyway..
Little smile came to his face as he saw what Hiruma did with his prey... I see that you're having fun
One confident shinigami who was from squad 11 as hes outfit looked like one from squad 11 , and flash stepped behind Smokey and slashed at his back breaking smokeys clothes form his back, No you've gone and done it, you just had to break my clothes you rat!!! he sayd to shinigami who had really suprise look because Smokey's back was completely fine and blade just slided off it.
El baile de lámina de humo and both of his katanas at his belt changed to smoke and did shingami to nothing, only a half feet deep hole, smoke returned to Smokey and it turned back to his katanas.
Well Shieru seems like that's it, wait, no, there should be one more... as saying that he patted Shieru to his shoulder and smiled at him.
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Quinta Espada

Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-11-05

Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!   Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 12:29 pm

Shieru smiled Dam you outrageous Monsters,he closed his eyes and in matter of seconds a small wind came.for a second Shieru dissappeared but than reappeared with blood all over his body and some wierd body parts hanging on his zanpanktou.And exactly when he shaked his blade clean from blood another huge rock behind him exploded and small rain started to flow in the near 10 miles,but it wasnt normal rain it was blood.
He sheated his zan and followed Hiruma to Las Nohces!

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PostSubject: Re: Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis!   Eliminating Intruder Shinigamis! Icon_minitime

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