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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Hiruma Youichi

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PostSubject: Hiruma Youichi   Hiruma Youichi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 11:31 pm

Basic Character Info

Name: Hiruma Youichi

Age: 246

Visual Age: 21

Gender: Male

Rank: Espada


Aspect Of Death: Madness

Mask fragment location: On the head . [Looks like Ulquiorra's]

Hollow Hole location: Where men have their Adam's apple .

Espada Tatto location: On his back.

Appearance: Hiruma Youichi Agon


Being an outcast he was treated crapily . So he suffered from severe depression that turned out into a Bipolar Disorder . So he has moodswings often . He could be cuddly one second and the next moment he could behead you . He is a fearsome opponent . He concentrates on the fight . But he has his rules . Fights must always be 1on1 so it wouldn't be unfair . Also if he snaps during a fight he turns into a unstoppable killing machine .

Background/RP Sample


What he does remember is that he was a teenager when his parents were killed for treason to their kingdom and he was banished. He did almost nothing but travel across the land searching for a happiness of somekind. That is until he ran straight into a group of highwaymen, these men did things to Viajero that twist him into the beast he is in his afterlife. He woke up looking down at the body that these men were still using. He felt a terrible anger build up inside of him,"Why" Hiruma said in a whisper,"What did I do to deserve any of this." The end of his sadness came out in a terrible roar with a white material spewing forth from his mouth onto his face forming the hollow fragment on his head that looked like two horns[much like Ulquiorra's]. Needless to say his first meal was his sweetest.

He later thought back on this as a hollow curious about how his life would have turned out differently. But he didn't stay on the subject very long, deciding to continue his quest for a best friend. Over the years of being turned down he finally met a shinigami that wanted to bring about peace between the hollows and shinigami, his name was Jacob. But in his happiness Hiruma hugged him, normally this wouldn't be bad, but with the strength of a Adjuchas he crushed his only friend in hollow life to death. Feeling his soul sink further down into his body his tragedy frowned sank even lower than ever before.

Many years later Hiruma has eaten hundreds of hollow's, slayed countless shinigami and killed thousands of plus's. The sad part is every single one of the gory kills, was a complete accident caused by another one of his angry rampage's. He was now a Adjuchas, he had overcome the voices due to his new resolve, with all of these voices he would never be alone. This wasn't what he wanted, his rage became uncontrolable. He took all of his anger out on anything that got in his way. He became the embodiment of destruction for a year. After his breakdown, he stood up, and started to do what he had alway's done, travel.

But recently he broke his own mask in the quest to gain more power . His hollow nature was obsessed with killing everything . To prevent any possible friends from dying by his hand he broke the mask and became a more powerful creature than he once was. After his transformation he decided find a new life elsewhere.

RP Sample:

Hiruma roared as the man made a mockery of him . He bursted out of the shadows , eyes red and his hair sticking up . His dark black reiatsu flared and ripped trees and houses out of the ground . You dare make a mockery of me !? You dare underestimate me !? I will rip you into shreds ! He shouted at the redhead . He quickly pulled his broadsword off his back and pointed it forward . Devour the Vermin , REY DE LAS SOMBRAS !!

With that said , his reiatsu flared even more . It could kill any low level shinigami and even low arrancars . His reiatsu was pure evil . It made the nature die . There wasn't anything left from their battlefield when he was transformed . They were both in a large crater . Hiruma raised his gaze from the ground and looked at the man with a wicked grin . His bipolarity had kicked in . He licked one of his claw-like finger . You , made a really big mistake underestimating me .

He started to gather reiatsu around him . The shadows started forming a large creature behind Hiruma . The golem dwarfed even the gatekeeper of the Seiretei . Hiruma cackled and raised his claw . This will be the and of you . He brought down his hand with destructive force . And so did the golem . The claws crashed into the ground , creating an earthquake . Half of the Seiretei was now destroyed thanks to Hiruma .

[taken from another site . ]

Innate Ability
Name:Sombra Bezado

Description:Can move into one shadow, And out of the other. While moving through shadows he is in a “Shadow World”. He can pull other people into this shadow world. In the shadow world sight is completely obliterated, The only senses available are sound and touch. When he leaves the shadow world they will be trapped until they can sort of break the shadow's, And they'll reapear through a nearby shadow. He cannot move through shadows smaller than he is, But he can move parts of him. For example, a coconut sized shadow he can punch through, But not move his entire body through.

[All hollows come with innate abilities, what’s yours? I.e. look at Nel's Cero Doble, that's an innate ability. A closer look at innate ability is something that is actively passive throughout your character or activated by the character itself.OPTIONAL and will be closely monitored.]

Resurreccion Information

Name: Rey de las Sombras

Release Phrase: Devour the Vermin

Element/Family: Shadow

Represent: Bat

Sealed Resurreccion: The blade is a pitch black broad sword, And the handle is a bat, Stretched out. The wings of this bat curve around to form a guard and hilt.

Released Resurreccion: He gains a second horn, completing his demonic look. Two giant wings sprout out of his back, And his sword melts up his left arm, Solidifying into four claws that go out over his hand, Each about three feet long.

Resurreccion Special Ability: Shadow Seal: Binds someone into their own shadow. With a more advanced form of this technique only available in his ressurcion he can actually control someone through their shadow. Seal lasts as long as he wants it to, But it has a ten post recharge, And takes quite a bit of energy, Preventing him from shooting any cero's or doing anything else that requires reiatsu. Lasts 7 posts , cooldown 3 . A person with larger Reiatsu can break the seal . (Captain , Elite Vaizard etc.) It is also dodgeable but only when you're in the aiar and don't touch the ground .


Name: Shadow Storm
State: both
Description: Hiruma is able to manipulate all the shadow around him, formind it into numerous shadow blades, that swirl around Hiruma acting both in a defensive and offensive manner.. The shadow that is used, is mixed with Hiruma's reatsu (therefore, it can cause physical damage >>) The darker the battlefield is - the more shadow is around Hiruma, the more blades the Espada can create. Again, this technique is weak against Light, since the amount of the blades Hiruma can create, depends strongly on amount of shadow. However, physical attacks do work on the shadow abldes, just like other kinds, like reatsu based attacks, can deflect the blades depending on the amount of reatsu put into it, and the amount of blades that are attacking
Duration and/or cooldown: 5/8

Name:Shadow Mist
Description:Hiruma opens his mouth, releasing an immense amount of his retasu, which takes a form of a thick, black, shadowy gas, which quickly spreads through the battlefield. The nature of that mist, is that it is able to completily block Hiruma's opponnet's from feeling anybody's reatsu. It also acts as the normal mist, significantly limiting the opponent's ability to see and hear. It lasts 4 posts, it's post, Hiruma's enemy's sight and hearing gets more reduced. Since the shadow is Hiruma's natural element, he can freely see and move through the mist
Duration and/or cooldown:4/7

Name:Avatar of Vengeance
Description:Hiruma is able to manipulate his own shadow, to form a shadow figure, which looks like it's Hiruma's clone. The shadow that is used, is mixed with Hiruma's reatsu (therefore, it can cause physical damage >>) The shadow clone is much, much larger and taller than Hiruma, is (similar to Komamura's golem). Hiruma is able to control all the Avatar's movements - since the Avatar is made out of Hiruma's shadow, he is invulnerable to any physical attacks, however he can still be harmed by any elemental, reatsu or kido attack. The weakness of that technique is Light. Since Avatar is made out of shadow, mixed with Hiruma's reatsu its strength depends heavily on the amount of shadow around, making night - the perfect time for Hiruma's battle, and Day - the worst .
Duration and/or cooldown:6/4
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PostSubject: Re: Hiruma Youichi   Hiruma Youichi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 6:40 am

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PostSubject: Re: Hiruma Youichi   Hiruma Youichi Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:07 am

Name: Ruler of the Skies

Release Phrase: Golpee de arriba, el Gobernante de los Cielos [Strike from above , ruler of the skies .]


He gains a second claw , changing his appearance more wild . His hair grows longer and his teeth get sharper . His clothing changes , leaving only the bottom clothed . His upperbody is nude . His wings get slightly bigger and he is able to fly better than before . His eyes turn blood red .


His strenght and speed increase alot . Like 10fold what he was before . Secondly he gains the ability to fly . Also he can vomit/spit other bats that fly towards his enemy and bite them . Giving Hiruma the ability to trace them . Then he can create ultra waves that can destroy incoming weak Kidou attacks . He can also attack with the waves . It turns into one enormous blade or a few smaller ones . The attack is made of pure reiatsu thet is released from his mouth and it's transparent . So the attack will be very hard to see . Ofcourse any Captain could sense it . He also gains a radar , he can sense people around him . The radar prevents everyone from sneaking up on him . His hearing gets enhanced too since he is a bat .
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PostSubject: Re: Hiruma Youichi   Hiruma Youichi Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:09 am

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PostSubject: Re: Hiruma Youichi   Hiruma Youichi Icon_minitime

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