Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 Arrancar Template

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Quinta Espada

Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-11-05

Arrancar Template Empty
PostSubject: Arrancar Template   Arrancar Template Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 5:55 am

Basic Character Info

Name: (The name of your character)

Age: (The age of your character)

Visual Age: (How old your character appears to be.)

Gender: (Male or female,both,none?)

Rank: (Put your rank here.)

Number: (Your character's number.)

Aspect Of Death: (Your Aspect of Death,check the list to see what is available.Applies only for the espada)

Mask fragment location: (The location of your hollow mask remains.)

Hollow Hole location: (Where is your hollow hole located.)

Espada Tatto location: (The location of your espada tatto,applies only for espada.)

Appearance: (Write how your character looks like or an image will do.)

Personality: (Write a paragraph of how your character acts like.)

Background/RP Sample

Background: (Put your character's history here,make it as good as possible.)

RP Sample: (A sample of how you RP,if you want to be an espada,if not delete this.)

Innate Ability
Name: (The name of your innate ability.)

Description: (What is your innate ability and what it can do,in detail.)
[All hollows come with innate abilities, what’s yours? I.e. look at Nel's Cero Doble, that's an innate ability. A closer look at innate ability is something that is actively passive throughout your character or activated by the character itself.OPTIONAL and will be closely monitored.]

Resurreccion Information

Name: (The name of your res)

Release Phrase: (Your release command)

Element/Family: (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice/Snow, Metal, Shadow/Dark, Light/Holy, Poison, Plant/Nature, Neutral,Reiatsu, Void,etc.)

Represent: (What does your ress represent? Animal, insect, creature...)

Sealed Resurreccion: (What your zanpakto looks like when it isn't released)

Released Resurreccion: (What your character looks like in release state.)

Resurreccion Special Ability:(What is your resurreccion ability.)


Name: (The name of your tech)
State: (Normal, Resurreccion, or both)
Description: (What your tech is, and what it does)
Duration and/or cooldown:


[b][u]Basic Character Info[/u][/b]

Name: (The name of your character)

Age: (The age of your character)

Visual Age: (How old your character appears to be.)

Gender: (Male or female,both,none?)

Rank: (Put your rank here.)

Number: (Your character's number.)

Aspect Of Death: (Your Aspect of Death,check the list to see what is available.Applies only for the espada)

Mask fragment location: (The location of your hollow mask remains.)

Hollow Hole location: (Where is your hollow hole located.)

Espada Tatto location: (The location of your espada tatto,applies only for espada.)

Appearance: (Write how your character looks like or an image will do.)

Personality: (Write a paragraph of how your character acts like.)

[b][u]Background/RP Sample[/u][/b]

Background: (Put your character's history here,make it as good as possible.)

RP Sample: (A sample of how you RP,if you want to be an espada,if not delete this.)

[b][u]Innate Ability[/u][/b]
Name: (The name of your innate ability.)

Description: (What is your innate ability and what it can do,in detail.)
[All hollows come with innate abilities, what’s yours? I.e. look at Nel's Cero Doble, that's an innate ability. A closer look at innate ability is something that is actively passive throughout your character or activated by the character itself.OPTIONAL and will be closely monitored.]

[b][u]Resurreccion Information[/u][/b]

Name: (The name of your res)

Release Phrase: (Your release command)

Element/Family: (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice/Snow, Metal, Shadow/Dark, Light/Holy, Poison, Plant/Nature, Neutral,Reiatsu, Void,etc.)

Represent: (What does your ress represent? Animal, insect, creature...)

Sealed Resurreccion: (What your zanpakto looks like when it isn't released)

Released Resurreccion: (What your character looks like in release state.)

Resurreccion Special Ability:(What is your resurreccion ability.)


Name: (The name of your tech)
State: (Normal, Resurreccion, or both)
Description: (What your tech is, and what it does)
Duration and/or cooldown:
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