Bleach Torasu
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Hello Everyone This Is Shieru Now we arent in need of Admins Or Mods anymore.But we still need lots of Captains and some espada So Yay-(Im Not Good At this stuff )-Shieru


 The Beginning Of Arrancar From The NEw Generation!OPEN POST

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Quinta Espada

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Join date : 2009-11-05

The Beginning Of Arrancar From The NEw Generation!OPEN POST Empty
PostSubject: The Beginning Of Arrancar From The NEw Generation!OPEN POST   The Beginning Of Arrancar From The NEw Generation!OPEN POST Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 4:32 am

A strong wind blew up a little white sand,the dead trees moved a bit but nothing much happened,some small branches flew in the air towards the endless desert.
The sky was dark blue with some black clouds drifting along the path that they are forced to move,it just seems like nothing living might be there because of the horrible feeling of that place,it felt like death itself lives in there.When you look right you dont hear anything,when you look left you dont see anything,when time passes nothing happens exept for wierd screaming sounds,but those screams dont sound like humans they sound like wild monster that are suffering in pain what nobody would survive.I guess the screaming sent the last message that this place was made by Death Himself.Many hundreds of years later the conditcion was still the same but the dark feeling got bigger,the toughts that this place was made for someone was still not understandable because there was no living creature in this place ,sometimes the sky turned white and you could see some small boulders on the ground,just lying there with no fear in them.After Moving along with the path of clouds you finally ended up in a forest,just when you tought that there was no life in this place a huge leg crushed the boulder that shined in the light of the big sharp moon that was shining in the dark skies.The monster was huge with a white mask and a seemingly black coat on it,the mask had a long white nose apparently the coat and mask werent just clothing but body parts of those monster.Soon many other smaller creatures roamed around that place.
After Getting out from the forest you could find yourself behind Huge Pillars With strong Energy and Loud Screams coming inside.Looking inside you could see that humans were litteraly Devoured and Transformed into Monsters and sent away to somewhere.The Pillars were made of clear black Crystak,and when i looked myself from there i was almost scared to death,i was a human but with a strong bone fracture covering most of my right ear and some part of my neck,and for the wery last i saw that there was a hole inside me it was placed exactly trough me its inside was black,it looked like there was nothing inside me but when i touched the crystal a huge part came out of it forming a katana that i have never seen before,its blade was shaped like many shark teeth have been turned to metal and than fused to a blade.The katana was light but sharp because when i placed it on my hand it made a deep cut,the cut was really deep at first i tought that no blood is going to come but few seconds later i was filled with blood all over,i was a little happy that something inside me still exsists,but there was too much blood and i passed away.Suddenly i woke up with a Huge white complex on the horizon,i stood up and noticed that there was no blood anymore,but the ost incredible was that the sun was shining and the sand was yellow.As soon as I got up i started running towards the White building ,I ran for a very long time but never reached my goal.But when i stopped i was punched away with a huge power,i flew couple hundred of meters away when i landed then all the sand around me flew away like a explosion.When i stood Up that there was Some wierd names moving around in my head,i just repeated those names and there was another explosion and suddenly i felt much easier and kind of Full.With few seconds passed the sand fell down and the image was clear i was changed and a big monster was running my way i raised y hand and noticed that i have 2 katanas now in my hands and they were lighter than the other one alone.When the monster arrived to me i just lifted the katana up and the monster was sliced to bits with no effort at all.I got Slightly a smile on my face when i tought a Name For those Monster,the name was exactly the right name Because They Also Had holes in their bodies,the name I came up with was HOLLOWS ,the name just was made for them.And Suddenly i just woke up covered with blood in the same dark place with a sharp moon and endless white deserts when I realized that it was just a dream.But Now there wer Many Other Names that came to My Head,because i couldnt call all of those monsters Hollows because almost all of them were diffrent in strenght in Looks and In Lenght.So i Called The Smallest ones Normal Hollows,but when They Evolved I Called Them Gillians The big ones with Huge Noses.
The next ones where Little Bit smaller But stronger And I called them Adjuchas usually they had some kind of a Animal/bug or some else Form.The LAst Ones Were Vast oLorde There was Only 3 or 4 of them and they vere alone like me and they Hunted For other hollows.It seeed like they were the rulers of this place,One day 2 of the Vasto Lordes collisioned and a huge battle took place one of them lost most of his mask at first i tought it was bad because he was liying there uncounsionsly and the other vasto lorde closing by,i slowly started to pull my katana out when teh Vasto Lorde lying on the ground sent a huge blast out of himself slicing the other one To pieces.When I got there the Human Like Creature was lying there when the pieces of the other Hollow dissappeared.I grabbed him over my shoulder and walked to the crystal pillars,i placed his hand on the pillar and another pieces of it came out forming a diffrent kind of katana.Some years after that the Other Guy Woke up,he was scared ,i specially tought that he saw the same dream as e but no he saw a diffrent one.together we started our journey trough the endless desert,by the time we got more of our kind and together we raised a small sivilization in the World we had been so long,We used the Crystal to build a Huge Castle Exactly the same what was in my dreams,after compleating the pitch black complex i placed my hand on it and It Turned white,all of us were scared at first but after we started to call that Place Las Noches.Hundreds Of years Passed And we started TO understand that There were Other Worlds Beside ours,and that we had diffrent abilites soe better than the others,slowly we prepared to move to the other World Next to Ours by using a New Techinque we Had developed the GARGANTA IT was a black Hole leading to the Other world what low level Hollows were using,so we traveled to the place and saw other of our kind but they were diffrent.
Than we saw that one of our hollows is attacked by someone with a dark coat and a sword like ours.We immeadlidy moved there with a high speeded move that we also had Developed The SONIDO.After seeing how our comrade was killed we were still angered but didnt know the reason,so we listened what the other species have to alk to each other and we heard such devasting story that ost of us killed the blacked robe guy in instant and asking him WHO ARE YOU! the man was so suprised that he started to talk wierd things about some One Arrancars and Espada we were never heard of those things so we threw him away and returned to our world.In there we Started to call Ourself The Arrancar Exactly how the small Guy called us,i still didnt get the Name Espada what was that for,but with some years i started to understand that espada Are the strongest Arrancars so we started to Number each other from 1 to the many hundreds.Finally We ade a Group Of the 10 Strongest Arrancars And called them Espada!
exactly 100 Years after that we Sent 5 of the Normal Arrancars to the real world to investigate the other sworded species but only 2 of them came back telling that those Were Shinigamis.Shinigamis are the one who kill ourkind The Hollows because we are the one eating up the souls of the humans and that if we eat their souls than the souls will be devoured and transformed to new hollows,and with their katanas or Zanpaktous how they call them they purifie them and send them To THe Place Called Soul Society..
And that they are raising an army to Close Our World Hueco Mundo.
That was the last word i wanted to hear,i immedility Gathered All THe arrancars To preapare The 15 Best of the For a War.

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